.spn 6.05; or, RPattz is dead, long live RPattz

Oct 22, 2010 23:12

Ufff, what a day. I had to drive a couple hours out to Hanover to do research, which meant a four-hour round trip without a trinityofone to keep me company. What did end up keeping me company was horrible, wretched cramps, and the steadily-growing conviction that what was sloshing around in my uterus was, in fact, radioactive sludge. That was fun. And for the record, Dartmouth College officially has the most bewildering library I have ever been in. Even my undergrad library, where the stacks were so maze-like and poorly lit you felt like you were going to discover the dessicated, decades-old corpse of some terminally puzzled freshman, was not as bad.

So, I'm kind of in a dim frame of mind tonight. And tonight's episode is about vampires, which, let me just say... I fucking hate vampires. Full disclosure: like a lot of teenaged girls in the mid-90s, I too went through a vampire phase: Dracula, Gary Oldman being hot and brooding and star-crossed in the Francis Ford Coppola movie, Interview with the Vampire and the Anne Rice vampire corpus, and then it was over and now I look back at my fifteen-year-old self and am all "What the shit, fifteen-year-old self? WHAT THE SHIT?" I loathe Twilight for the simple fact that it contains vampires (the fact that it's horribly written is sort of a bonus). Alexander Skarsgard, fine, fine specimen of masculinity that he is, cannot induce me to watch even a microsecond of True Blood. Don't get me started on the Vampire Diaries. I don't even like Bunnicula, and that's about a vampire bunny.

The only episodes of SPN I don't watch when I'm marathoning DVDs are the vampire episodes. Yes. I watch the episode with the bugs, and the one with the phantom ship. I do not watch the vampires. It's not that I can't handle their challenge to the restrictions of heteronormative post-Victorian sexuality, their blending of human and animal, or their marginal-yet-intimate-other existence (really, vampires are so far from the margin now, come on), it's that I find them boring and stupid and overdone. Tonight feels almost like it might be the night of that episode with Paris Hilton. It's just something you watch for the sake of completeness.

Let's see how it goes, shall we?

Well, that did not entirely suck, hur hur hur.

The opening segment was kind of an exercise in contact embarrassment. Admittedly, I do quite love the pun in the title, but... taking shots at Twilight now is kind of like kicking a big, dumb troll in the ankle. A troll so big and stupid it has no idea you're there. Yeah, you can do it, but it's too easy. What I did appreciate, though, is Dean's weird, quasi-permeable membrane that allows him to know who the werewolf actor guy is, while Sam can only come up with 'Dracula'.

Oh, and the fact that evil Captain Vampire thinks Dean is pretty. Doesn't he know that Dean is technically at least ten years too old to be the dark, brooding high school vampire stereotype?

Anyway, back to the opening sequence, that was kind of a stretch to imagine. Is she (Kristen, heh) roleplaying, or think that her date ("Robby") was as into vampires as she was? I kind of hope so (and I kind of don't), because even in the depths of my fakey Goth obsession, if some guy had come up to me and been all "in the darkest, most brooding velvet-draped shadows of my mind I could never dream of someone so perfect as you, aesc, now look at my pointy teeth," I would have kicked him in the goods and run for the door. I know, I know, it's horror and people will always go outside or go down to the basement where the demon-possessed serial killer is, but Kristen, sweetie, the second any guy starts suggesting you go down back alleys, scream for help, disable him, and run away. Aaaaaahhhhhhh! That was actually the scary part.

Okay, more scary: What the fuuuuuuuuck is up with Sam? He is pretty much right back to where he was when we found out about his demon blood habit, and I am not at all pleased. At all. What he did in this ep, basically watching Dean get turned... I feel like having one of them be turned was his plan all along. If it had been him, he would have handled it (he knew about the cure, after all), but if his bet turned out that Dean was on the wrong end of some sharp, pointy teeth, then that was a sacrifice he was willing to make.

Deep thought: Dean with blood on him will never not be hot.

Returning to Sam, it seems from the previews for next week that we're either moving closer to an answer or we'll have one about why it is I want to punch Sam in his stupid, under-emoting face. Really, I'm not surprised at all that Dean caught on within about 2 seconds, because, in a crazy sort of way, Jared is really great at being unconvincing to the point of utter transparency. He's practically screaming I AM UP TO SOMETHING AND IT'S SOME BAD SHIT, and really, Sam, not subtle! Not subtle at all. With reference to why Sam has to be pathetically unconvincing, I'm pretty sure it has something to do with his time in Hell. At first, I was thinking it had to do with him hanging out with the Campbell-Psycho clan, but now... Well, we don't know who brought him back, or why (Lucifer? Because he wants the apocalypse to happen like Raphael does? Someone else?), and it could be that Sam's crazy Machiavellian hunter schtick has to do with that.

I don't want to get into the previews for next week too much (although see below), but that's actually what I'm most interested in. We learned a bit more about the monsters, and it was pretty neat that the monster side of things has decided not to be afraid of hunters anymore. I mean, there are probably a lot more monsters than there are hunters to take care of things, and to be honest, if I were a shapeshifter or something, I'd be kind of tired of being hunted down too. Just let me shed my skin in peace, assholes! And that kind of makes me wonder if there aren't nicely assimilated monsters out there, taking their kids to Little League practice and working 9-5 and doing paint-by-numbers as a hobby. In fact, it would be sort of cool if Dean and Sam stumbled on a whole monster neighborhood (once I wrote a short story about a little girl who gets a new neighbor. The new neighbor is human, and the rest of the street--populated by blemmyae, cynocephali, sciopods, etc.--is very concerned. Anyway.) and seeing that not all monsters are bad monsters. Some of them just want to be left alone.

Okay, so pretty much none of the above has to do with vampires. Which I'm fine with. Dean being blood-covered and angsty is hot as all getout, and I approve of that very firmly. Sam being an asshole is very uncool, and he needs to straighten up. Bobby needs to make him. I hope some of this happens next week.

And speaking of next week....... CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS


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