This week's Bones was one I missed, and I have to say, it was a race between my love for Booth/Bones adorableness and the relentless Avatar shilling.
Goddammit, what the fuck is the deal with them deciding to prolong the Cas-hiatus even longer than the show hiatus? Seriously! ARGH. Grumble. Bitch. Moan. CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS.
Okay, now that that's out of my system:
"She's the love of my life. How many times do I have to kill her?"
This pretty much sums up SPN right there. Excellent meta, show! I don't think I could say it better myself.
So, yeah, despite the rampant wtfery of Cas's absence (which I can actually understand, just, let me be an irrational Cas fangirl a moment, okay? Thanks), I really liked this episode. There were a couple initial quibbles I had that I'll talk a bit about below, and explain why I'm now okay with them, but first let me say, oh, BOBBY :( :( :(
What I found compelling about the episode wasn't the Hot Zombie Action (although my stomach felt compelled to clench several times; seriously, show, what's with the gore lately?), but the fact that the people we've met who have had loved ones, uh, restored--Clay Thomas's family, Sheriff Miller, Bobby--did not flip the hell out, or anyone else for that matter, was kind of interesting. And it's one of the things that bothered me at first, like, "LOL your five-years-dead husband shows up one day and you take him back, yeah rite" but then I thought... you know, people are capable of rationalizing really really fucked-up shit and giving delusions or dreams the power of ironclad reality and ignoring the voice that is The Real World screaming DUDE YOU'RE BATSHIT SNAP OUT OF IT FOR GOD'S SAKE. The 21st century, at least in the US, has brought with it the perfection of the art of ignoring the Real World, and Zombietown really doesn't seem that far-fetched to me, most days, next to the things people are capable of telling themselves are reality. For example, that with the passage of the recent health care reform bill America is on the verge of becoming a Communist state.
Anyway, comrade, the other thing was Sheriff Miller's remark that the papers weren't listening to crazy undead people stories. It seems a bit far-fetched to me, at least in a small town like Sioux Falls (although Wikipedia has the metro area's population listed as 232,930, so not quite podunk, SPN writers), the local writers would be inclined to believe stories of dead people coming to life, and zombies roaming around unchecked, etc. etc. So maybe they go national--NY Times, WaPo, La Times, or maybe even the Enquirer* or The Sun*--and no dice. Which, again, I can understand, because unless it's related to the latest sex-related politics scandal or histrionic HCR protesters,* the national press isn't going to listen. Although, you know, Fox News might, as the passage of HCR is the unmentioned Fifth Horseman. Nick's been busy.
One thing that did bug me was the assumption that the zombies in question really are zombies and thus had to be taken out in a specific way. I mean, Karen was cremated; there was no flesh to rise at all, nothing to reanimate. She had to be completely reformed. That doesn't seem to fall on the zombie spectrum, especially when you add in the fact that Death Himself is the one that brought her and the others back. Would he really give up that easy? That seems kind of wussy, for Death, or maybe he just felt he made his point (oh BOBBY *hugs*) but it felt a bit hand-wavey to me. She says, after saying "people are totally capable of justifying zombies, what are you talking about."
Of interest: Out of the horsepeople we've met so far, Death is the only one whose work we've been able to identify, but have never actually seen.
Of concern: BOBBY. BE OKAY.
Of lolarity: They're still using the S1 "Stay tuned for scenes from next week's Supernatural" clip. It makes me kind of nostalgic for Sam's bangs.
Next week: CAS! I HEARD HIM! THERE WILL BE CAS! And Zachariah ;alskdjsdlkj die in a fire, Zachariah.
* idle show/fic-related musings: Okay, really, how long now until someone Dean and Sam have helped stumbles across one of the Supernatural books and recognizes the two guys and their big black car? Or, even better, reads about themselves? It HAS TO HAPPEN, srsly.
* we also really need to have someone from a tabloid come around one of these days to give Chuck a run for his money in the annoying-writing-about-Dean-and-Sam's-lives kind of way, with a side of HUMAN/ANGEL LOVE and wings badly Photoshopped onto Cas's back by the National Star's graphics people.