There are few pleasures in life so sublime as making art for kick-ass stories.
cesperanza's very awesome
Te of John and
fiercelydreamed's also very awesome
Rebuilding Babel. If you haven't read either of these yet, you really really should. I will leave it at that.
The vertical text is a selection from the Tao Te Ching, and the Chinese characters (God, I hope) are te (in red) and tao (in blue).
I've had this in my mind for ages, and it's gone through about three different drafts. I got the idea for it back during
Typographic Illustration challenge, and "Rebuilding Babel" seems to lend itself really well to anything having to do with broken, jumbled-up letters and words.
.extra notes: The very minimal texture work in the background comes down to two very awesome and handy stock textures by
elli ♥ ♥