Okay, I have nothing to offer to help you. No project fairies to send your way XD
Here's a pick me up, unless you don't like cuteness...
But even if you don't, I need it. Lol~
After almost overfilling my tote (whew~), walking through a light-obsessed frivolous swarm of mosquitoes (yuck~), having my toe go all itchy on me because of the heat (annoying~) and just about everything else that comes with being here...
There are some things to be thankful for, I'll grant you that. Namely cuteness since there are cats and mice here (ahaha~). Beautiful sunsets and beautiful sunrises (only cuz I'm on night shift) which I plan to capture if I have a chance. I missed the sunset today! So I'll start tomorrow. Might as well do something fun for the remainder of my time (a week... >_> ) here.
So there are a number of cats here. There's this big old mean cat who doesn't like people and runs away warily when you walk by. Two females cats (who both happen to be pregnant, again) and this really cute cat named Leroy. There were kittens, but they got sent out to other places. I dunno if the other cats have names, so I only know Leroy.
Leroy Pictures
Outside some time in the morning~
Time for a cleaning! (Cuz that seems to be pretty much all cats do - that and sleep.)
A new home! The big old cat chases him out (since they're both males) whenever he sees him inside the plant. So this is a box on the first floor of our unit (separate from the plant) where we put our tools... As you can well see... XD
Close up of sleeping on a pile of tools. Looks painful to me... But I guess not to him.
Okay, time to get out of said box.
Invasion of my office (since he snuck in) and to hog the comfy chair... "Don't look at me. I'm innocent~" Lol~ He's sleeping.
And on with the ritual cleaning...
Kitten Pictures
I swear... They sleep just about anywhere! That's our caustic solution-filled ultrasonic bath that it's sleeping on. I was going to use it, but I changed my mind after seeing that... XD
Cuz it's so darn cute! BTW, this is the lazy kitty. It was always sleeping and gets "picked on" by the other one in the above picture.
Aggressive kitty...
"Must... Scratch... My... Claws..."
"Okay, now I'm tired." (I think it's sleeping on top of a fan... Lol~
Baby Mice Pictures
I apologize now if anyone is terrified of mice or thinks they're ugly, because I don't think so! haha, my mom hates mice and anything that looks remotely close to it (like gerbils and hamsters, etc.) because of experiencing rats while she was still in Hong Kong.
Aww~ So cute... It was looking for food!
"Oh wait... That one has food!!"
"Gimme food! Gimme food!"
Lol, they were literally squabbling for food. The littler one found something and that bigger one butt in afterward, trying to steal it from its mouth... XD They make the cutest sounds ever. Like baby squeaks. I have it on video, but I never watched it so I don't know how it turned out. Besides, it'd be too big to share anyways.
Cuteness done... Vacation ones not... ^^;; I don't have them with me since I only have some of them on my camera. The rest are on my external HD since I was being dumb and taking pictures with my max setting while I was there - drained my memory like crazy... I don't think there are good pictures anyways since I always take scenic ones and rarely people ones... hehe~
So yup, that's about it. Maybe I can get some writing down, but I doubt it. Not in the mood anymore and there are other things to do when I get back to the hotel ^_~ And if I don't feel like doing that, there's always TMGS3 to play! AHAHA~