Sep 02, 2013 21:11
Okay, so another thing that came up in my convo with Bri is anime - specifically one called Attack on Titan or Shingeki no Kyojin. After our discussion, I went and downloaded all the episodes that are out - all 21 of them. Thank goodness for fast connection! XD
Originally, this day off was supposed to be for writing, but meeeh... I mean, I haven't worked on it for a long while anyways, so what's another day to that tally? Not to mention, a full day off means I can cram in a lot of anime - which I did! I powered through 13 episodes before it became too much.
haha, mostly because my room became really hot, but also because I just get fidgety when I sit for extra long periods of time. It only works when I'm really into things, like a good book. I probably don't seem like that kind of person (especially with all the writing I do!), but it's always like that when I'm not into something 100%.
Anyways, I can understand now why Bri couldn't say too much about the storyline without ruining things, but I'll try.
The story focuses mainly on three characters - Eren, Mikasa and Armin. They live in a world where their reality is slimmed down to living within 50-meter high walls, due to the conflict the humans have with the Eotanas (sp?) aka the Titans. Due to their ginormous size and propensity to eat humans, the walls they've built have become their main defense.
The first episode starts with some background, sharing the fact that they've enjoyed a hundred years of peace... And so, as you can imagine, it wouldn't be much of a story if that's all there is to it. Their balance of peace is disrupted by an attack on their walls, led by this Behemoth (or Colossal) Titan, which was capable of breaking the wall... And the story goes on from there. Anymore said will really ruin it!
So first off... OH MY GOSH!! o___O;;
The first episode itself was pretty gruesome, and the most gruesome so far in my opinion! I was NOT prepared for it at ALL. And of course, it HAD to be the ugliest one that did you know... THAT. Lol~ I get the shivers just imagining it.
And so, to not give anything else away - I like it! Only halfway through, I don't know if I can say I love it. I'm still waiting for the mysteries to be unraveled right now. It'll all hinge on how the series ends, that's all I can say.
It's definitely a dark series with its gruesome moments, kind of like Psycho-Pass, but in a totally different way. Psycho-Pass was humans doing evil things to humans, but this series is almost like... Humanity's fight against... Oh, I don't know. That outside force? I can't explain it that well!
It has those poignant messages about life in general, like one of Mikasa's thoughts in the series. How life is so cruel, yet still beautiful at the same time. It's almost like those "world-end" movies where humanity shows its strength and hope, despite all of its cruel, sorrowful moments.
And can I just say - Mikasa is freakin' awesome!! haha~ I love her attitude towards Eren in the beginning. The whole background between the two as well... It'll sound horrific (if you know what happens), but I felt this sense of amusement at the same time that I felt overwhelmed by it. Just that intensity in everything Eren does! Like wow...
And the dynamics between the trio is really cool too. They each have their role and they know each other so well, having grown up together and played together.
ATM, I can't say I have a fave character and overall, I don't think I will. The storyline is really well done and everything, but no one stands out above the others. It's more that their chemistry is so perfect, which makes it that awesome.
I'll have more to say when I get the chance to catch up with the rest!
(haha, be proud, Brianne! I'm trying to spread it XD I only do that if I like it.)
And since we're talking about anime recommendations, I'll throw another one in there - Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun. It's the one I told Khalia about. I can't remember if I talked about it or not, but it's the one I've been following this season! Well, it's season 2 of it, but I liked it enough to keep watching. That says something in and of itself~