So usually when I send stuff out, I tell the person that it's on its way because well... I'm paranoid that it will get lost or something. Though it has yet to fail me, I still have weak faith in the courier service.
This time, I was shipping stuff to Khalia since she was asking about a graphics tablet (in a post while I was away...) Since I have my old one sitting around, I offered to send it to her so she could try it out. Not to mention, it saves her money and saves me wasted space! I'm not using it anyways. But I decided not to tell her because I wanted it to be a surprise.
Since I had to find a box big enough to fit it (which I snagged from work... lol~), I decided to fill it with other goodies. After all, her birthday is next month and that way, I don't have to send stuff twice! Win-win in my opinion~
Anyways, one of the things I sent her as her birthday present are these Voluspa candles that I've recently become obsessed with! I found them in the "lifestyle" section in one of our big-chain bookstores. When I looked it up online, apparently it's SUPER huge everywhere.
I started small, but ended up adding to it almost weekly (for the last 3 weeks). haha~
The ones I have are Champagne Rose (the silver tin at the top), Pink Citron, French Cade Lavender (two of them - my ultimate obsession) and Goji Tarocco Orange (the one I'm currently using). They smell soooo good! And burn really cleanly since they're made from coconut wax.
I got a tin of French Cade Lavender and a tin of Santiago Huckleberry for Khalia. Just to get something different (kind of) than the ones I have XD And from her FB post, it seems her mommy is nuts about the candles... Yeah~ GO ME! Spread the love~~
Now it's my little life luxury ^__^
Not sure if anyone else is into stuff like candles, but seriously! If you EVER see it anywhere, give it a smell! They have a lot of different types (on their website), so it's super fun to see what scents are out there.