Haiku Con Law Casebriefs

Feb 18, 2007 13:04

Muskrat v. U.S.

Congress to SCOTUS:
"Please evaluate the law."
"No, do your own work."

Muskrat v. U.S.

"Is the law legit?"
Congress asked SCOTUS.  They reply,
"We're not your bitches."

Wickard v. Filburn

Wheat fills home and field.
Filburn feeds his cows with it,
But Congress still taxes.

Whitney v. Robertson

San Domingo wants
a deal suited to Hawaiian kings:
shipped sugar, no tax.

U.S. v. Pink

Communists are wrong
so we won't acknowledge them
until they give cash.

Clinton v. Jones

Rotunda put the
prurient information
in footnote one.

humor, law school

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