Aug 04, 2008 17:16

I participated in the Seattle Lindy Exchange this weekend and it was a blast.  I had been very bummed because it was coming up and i knew that i couldn't afford it.  When I got a call from Anna asking if I was willing to volunteer for it, and by doing so gain free admission, I practically jumped to the moon.  This was my first Lindy exchange ever so I had no idea what to expect, and I have to say that i'm glad i did a small one first, rather than the larger Camp Jitterbug last spring, I was overwhelmed as it was.

Friday night was awesome. We were at the Ranier Chapter House on north capital hill. The dance hall was nice, huge, very slick floor, and lots of room.  I was handing out the t-shirt to those who had pre-ordered them. I got to listen to the music, (which was performed by The Loose Marbles, a wonderful band out of New Orleans.  They play wonderful music, but it's a bit hard to dance to.) and talk with people from all over the US, Canada, and the UK.   I was 'on duty' from 10pm-1pm and then we all went over to the Washington Dance Hall downtown for Late Night dancing.  There were two rooms, one with Swing music playing and a back room which had food and blues music.  We didn't stay very late and were back home after a few dances by 3am.

Saturday we woke up early in order to get across 90 before they closed it for the Blue Angels show. I helped my mom move a few dressers downstairs into her new closet, before running off to Cal Anderson Park on Broadway for a Picnic with the exchange group.  We had an awesome Ultimate Frisbee game that I ended up slipping in the mud at least twice. We finished off the picnic by dancing in the fountain and in general, making a nuisance of ourselves.  The dancing saturday night was at the Oddfellows Hall in Ballard, it was smaller than the Ranier club, but i liked the band a little better. I spent the entire evening helping with the Tshirts and chatting. I think I only danced one song.  I was supposed to help with set-up for Late Night and johnny and rose and I rushed off to The Washington Dance Hall again.  Johnny and I both were manning registration, which was awesome because we could sit and talk and dance in our chairs and be silly while watching both the door and enjoying watching other people as well.  We danced several songs once our shift was over and crawled home around 5am.

Sunday we woke up even earlier having planned on seeing the Blue Angels before going to the Westlake Center dance.  We drove across the bridge, found parking, and were an hour early much to our chagrin. We stood in the sun for an hour watching the preliminary Air Shows and finally seeing the Blue Angels. I got a wonderful little sunburn across my upper back.  We left a little early to miss the rush and so that we could make it to my parents house where we were planning on parking and bussing downtown.  As I was driving down Fauntleroy, I had the misfortune of pissing off a Yellow Jacket who was trying to land on me and was stung on the right shoulder. Much cursing ensued, but I was relieved to notice that I'm NOT allergic to bees like I feared i might be. (this is only my second sting and my grandfather was allergic and i'd been told that I might have it as I'm the one in the family who inherited the allergies.)  We got me all patched up, fed and my mom rushed us to the Water Taxi so we could dance at Westlake.  It was HOT, and packed and sunny. The loose Marbles were playing again, which means I felt off beat. I had a lot of trouble dancing to them as the New Orleans flavor is not what I'm used to.  I had several wonderful dances however and My dad came and watched once he got off work.  At 6 we trundled off to catch the Water Taxi back home and hung out with my parents for a while.  Johnny and I ended up falling asleep on the couch and decided that we didn't really want to go to the Century Ballroom to dance that night.  I had to go to Late night because I was volunteering from 2am - 4am. We stayed and just chatted with my parents until midnight and then headed out.  Since Johnny had to work Monday morning he wasn't going to stay for Late Night, but he walked me to the door and made sure I was settled before he had to go home to bed.  I hung out with Maxine and Mari until my shift at 2 and then sat behind the bar filling peoples water bottles and enjoying watching people blues dance until 4am. I had several really nice blues dances myself. I've found that I've shifted. I'm much happier in Blues now than I am in Lindy. it's more innate and easier to follow for me and i tend to stick with what I"m good at and not challenge myself much. Once my shift was over the dances kinda went down hill. But I was more awake and in general had gotten(...gotten...hehe*) my second wind.  One of the blues dancers that danced with me just grossed me out. He spent the entire dance rubbing his erection against my leg.  The song seemed to go on forever, once it was done I thanked him and beat a hasty retreat and avoided him the rest of the night.  I ended up staying until last song which was at 5am. I then skipped to my car ( I was WIDE awake) and drove home. I stopped at a Safeway and picked up Johnny cinnamon Rolls for Breakfast because I felt bad that he had had to go home so early.  I left them for him on his computer and then crawled in bed to passed out until 3pm Monday.

I'm still pretty tired and sore, but also so happy and looking forward to next years exchange as well. :)  It felt good to dance so much and now I'm content to lie around the house and do nothing for the next couple days.

On another note. I'm moving back into my parents house this weekend. They've finally finished making the master bedroom downstairs and I'm moving into their old room with the skylight. I'm planning on painting and moving while Johnny is on his trip to California.  I'm so excited!

*sorry Linguistic moment
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