Hey Everyone! We finally decided on where and when to do the Twin's Baptism. It will be in Onalaska at the same church we got married in, First Lutheran. The church has a Saturday evening service which worked best for us to schedule the Baptism. The date is Saturday, July 26th at 5p. We plan to have a house warming/Baptism party starting that afternoon at 1p. We can all go to the church for the baptism, which is only a few blocks away from our new home, then come back to the house to continue the party. I plan to send formal invites, but if I can't get it done this is all the info you should need.
Here's the address of our new house which we will be moving into this weekend.
1050 Greenbay St
Onalaska, WI 54650
Here's a map.
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=&saddr=1050+Greenbay+St,+Onalaska,+WI+54650&daddr=410+Main+Street,+Onalaska,+WI++54650&sll=43.881872,-91.215105&sspn=0.015219,0.037422&ie=UTF8&ll=43.881385,-91.22706&spn=0.015219,0.037422&z=15 church website
Love Ya!