Hey all, it's been a while since I sent out an update. The twins and I are doing well. My doctor ran a bunch of tests and determined I am at low risk for preterm labor so the babies should be able grow big and strong without worries of showing up too early. Both babies are growing at the same rate. I also had glucose and hemoglobin tests. My glucose was good so no gestational diabetes. My hemoglobin was a just a little bit low, so I'm very slightly anemic. The doctor just suggested some changes to my diet and add an iron supplement. I'll get checked again next week. I also have another ultrasound next week. I can't wait to see how much they have grown although I can already feel how much they have grown. I'm just over 6 months now and already the size of someone full term with a single baby. The discomfort and pain keeps growing too. Some days are worse than others, but I'm managing. I'm still working full time and plan to as long as possible. With the doctors prediction of a due date of May 21st I have just under 2 months to go. Rob and I had been looking at houses, but nothing met our needs. We'll keep looking, but don't plan to move now until later in the summer. I've attached some pics of my last ultrasound and pics of how big I'm getting. The ultrasound pics are all of Baby B our little boy. Baby A our little girl wasn't being photogenic that day. I feel as big as a house and waddle like a duck everywhere I go. I'll send another update soon!