Do you remember that time that I would only eat tangerines?

Oct 23, 2006 12:32

I have the best roommate ever. For my birthday she gave me a sparkling bathroom. This may seem like a silly gift to you, but it’s both practical and enjoyable for me. My bathroom is WHITE. White tile, white walls, white everything-and now it sparkles! Thank you, Crystal! You’re the best roommate!

Not much to report. Yesterday was much better than Saturday, all things (and my attitude) considered. Had the regular Sunday-night epoch ritual with a few newcomers, went to the grocery store and spent too much money, baked some fresh whole wheat bread that I believe could be substituted for a brick in a pinch, and generally had a good day. This morning I played human pincushion at the doc’s office and I am, of course, exhausted.

My birthday party is just a few days away! I’m really excited about it. I know some of you are planning to go and some of you are on the fence, and I just want to say that nothing would make me happier than to see all of you there to celebrate with me. I really look forward to it and we’ll have an amazing time!

I am so weird. Sometimes I wonder why I have friends. Then I remember I pay for things and I'm easy.

There’s something about the cooler weather. I see it reflected throughout my friend’s posts, everyone exclaiming how alive and refreshed and amazing they feel. I feel it too. I don’t quite know what it is, and it may just be that people enjoy a change in atmosphere every now and then, but sometimes I wish it would stay this way forever.

I’m off work on my birthday, which is actually October 30th, or a week from today. I was planning on going to the sleazyium for dancing Sunday night since I haven’t been in so so long, but other than that I have no plans. Birthday-a-thon week starts TODAY.

The Monday…

1. If you had an entire free day off without much money and all of your friends are busy or at work, what would you do?
2. How does the cooler weather affect you? Do you feel inspired? How so?
3. What is one big dream or project that you have always wanted to do but haven’t? Why haven’t you?
4. If you could change one behavior about yourself, whether it be intense jealousy or ability to put the toilet seat down, what would it be?
5. Is Southpark stupid or funny? Why?
6. I love you!
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