Fandom & Halloween

Nov 03, 2010 17:11

こんばんは。(o ̄▽ ̄)o

Aaaah~ so many things to write about~

To tell you the truth i have a sort of a checklist, or something like that, to be sure to write about everything but I'm sure I'm forgetting something (ー.ー")

Let's start with fandom O(≧∇≦)O

★ミ Yesterday evening I finally watched 8UPPERS, the movie, and it was soooo good! Kanjani8 + baby = ♥♥♥ Tacchon was the most cute fake!daddy i ever saw ;A; And if i liked Maru before the movie, now i can easily tell that i love him XD By the way I liked every character, although names were kind of odd. Like Toppo (Yassan); well, i know that japanese don't know that the world "TAPPO" in italian have the meaning of a small person, and we know that Yassan it's not that giant LOL, but it was quite hilarious XD
So, if you haven't watched it yet, I recommend it to you! (⌒o⌒)

★ミ I finally had the time to listen to LIVE, newest album of NEWS, and I really loved it. I had no doubt that i'd like it because it's hard for me to dislike a NEWS' song so, I was really satisfied with it. Here's Aki No Sora Unplugged from the DVD, if you have the chance watch the full DVD, it's really good.

★ミ Again, because I had time, I listened to some JYJ songs but just those in the mini album "The...", I still have to listen to "The Beginning". I really love "The...", in particular the song "W". If you know of TVXQ-JYJ-Cassiopeia etc. you have to read the text of W.

★ミ Lets' talk about KISUMAI! o(≧∇≦o)
Waaah~ They're on Takichannel this week too~ but... What was that cappuccino's song last week?! LOL XD
Aren't they handsome? ♥ I had the chance to take a look at their photobook in Macau (thanks to kai_uke ♥) and it's huge, and pretty, and they're so gorgeous, and I can't wait to have mine 、( ̄▽ ̄;;) And there are those two huge pages of Hiro naked on a bed (゚∀゚*) meheheheh

★ミ Talking about photobooks and people naked on a bed, my Shohei photobook it's officially "shipped" (= ̄▽ ̄=)♥

★ミ I think I've lost, like always after 4-5 months, my interest in dramas. There are those months where i'm tired of waiting for episodes and i left every drama i was watching, and I start searching for jmovies. A new season started and I still have to finish dramas of the very last season (;´д` )
In addition i can't find any good movies to watch. I've watched "Darling wa Gaikokujin" and it was cute but... nothing more than that. I still have to watch "Nodame Cantabile" but can't find the time. Maybe I just have to start a new pretty good drama and I'll be back at my usual dramadramadrama mood. Any suggestion from this season?

★ミ I can't stop listening to AAA "WOW WAR TONIGHT ~時には起こせよムーヴメント~" ( ゚ ロ゚;) I really like this song! Well, I like all "Makenai Kokoro" songs, it's a good single.

★ミ Have you already watched this?

image Click to view

Can't wait to see Igarashi Shunji in it LOL ♥

★ミ Ok, there's a new ITALIAN je anonimeme so, i'm spamming, I'm sorry. m(_ _)m
Alright, I'll start with boring personal matters so,

I came back on monday evening from Venaria, precisely from okuribi_dreams house. I left Aosta on sunday night (22:00) with enys_luisa and we arrived that it was almost midnight LOL It was my very 2nd time driving in highway for such a distance, and it was raining so badly! But we arrived ♥ 
I was really happy to see all the girls (and guys lol) at Gaia's Halloween Party. I missed them~ And i was able to meet kai_uke and okuribi_dreams after months ♥

I'm back to work~
I still think I have to change job one day but it's really hard to find another one even if i'm just 21 (almost 22) years old and it's 3 years that I'm working. I'll wait and see, right now i need money so i really can't complain.

I'm thinking about friendship a lot lately.
I have a lot of friends, or so i think, but most of them here in Aosta are just colleagues, ex-colleagues or friends of my colleagues. We met to eat together sometimes and we talk a lot about nothing special but... I don't this this is that kind of friendship that i want. We're a group of 5 colleagues and two of them always go out for shopping together, the other two always go out eating dinner. I'm the last one they call. When I ask for a favour they're always like "Yes, sure!" and then they forget about it. I don't think friendship should be like this. I need more friends around my age.
I'm glad i have some great virtual friends~

Saturday I'll go with mom and enys_luisa to Peraga to buy some Christmas decoration.
I really like Christmas period and mom too. At first, when she asked me to go there, i said no because of money. It's such a huge great place that, knowing myself and mom, we'd spend for sure a lot for things we'll never use. But i felt so mortified that now I've already decided to go on saturday. I know they'll be happy LOL

That's all (´▽`)

またね~ (^ー^)ノ

kisumai, miura shohei, aaa, kanjani8, video, news, private life, friends, j-movies, drama, meme, jyj

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