The Sorcerer and the Scientist

Jan 27, 2011 20:24

Name: aeryes
Fandoms: Warhammer 40000, Eureka
Story Title: The Sorcerer and the Scientist
Character/Relationships: Fargo, Ahriman
Rating: PG
Warnings: No warnings.

It was a sign of prestige for each of the Raptors to be called for this mission. The very fact that they would accompany Ahriman would bring along an increase to their fame. In addition to this, his was a cunning mind, with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. There would be great spoils of this conquest, this each of them believed, and it brought joy to their mercenary hearts.

The start went smoothly; led by the sorcerer personally, they captured a trade ship. The battle was quick, the Raptors attacking from two sides, blasting into their opponents with their jets on full, voxcasters emitting daemonic screams. It was over in minutes. The cultists were brought on board soon after and started their desecration of the ship. The dead imperial guards were used as paint buckets, and their blood made for a nice red hue on the walls.

“Yes Fargo, I'm well aware of the paper analogy. But doesn't the paper have to be ruptured for the path to appear? The paper being space itself ...”

The voice came out of nowhere, and faded out as rapidly as it had broken the silence. Ahriman paid it no mind, standing stoically on the bridge and observing the moon they were closing in on. If the Raptors had concerns, they did not voice any.

The second time it also happened on the bridge.

“Look, the rupture obviously closes; I did the trial run yesterday, and it worked, and nothing bad happened.”

The voice sounded nervous this time, and there was a faint shimmer, an outline of two people talking accompanying the sound.

Were it not for the full cover of their helmets, depicting screeching birds of prey or daemonic howling faces, the Raptors might have appeared somewhat concerned this time. To a servant of Chaos, hearing voices can be reason for worry.

Their sensors showed a significant increase in temperature, and they knew the second stage had started. They were crashing headlong into a library cathedral.

Ahriman had explained early on why only Raptors were called. The drop from the ship would kill most others. They had little doubt the sorcerer's arcane abilities would get him where he needed to be. Their task was the epitome of their speciality; a direct drop-assault on the guards.

“Well of course it's not making a permanent hole in the fabric of reality. I do take precautions you know.”

They could barely hear Fargo's outraged statement over the roar as they started their voxcasters. The sorcerer signaled them to go and vanished. This was not disclosed to them, but it mattered little. They were crashing headlong into their enemies, and it was time for battle. This was, after all, what they lived for.

It was also what they died for. Ahriman watched the ship being torn to shreds by incoming fire, and the Raptors he brought along as a distraction were taken down moments later, their fierce fighting proving no help against vastly superior numbers.

“Well, yes, it does seem to not be closing. Don't worry, I can fix this.”

Ahriman smiled. A whole new universe to conquer.

warhammer 40000, eureka

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