Nov 24, 2008 11:45
So, I went to my academic adviser (I normally spell it 'advisor' - is that wrong?! Firefox is telling me it is!) today, and asked for a few comments on how my Cinderella audition went, specifically since it's a musical. Let's see if I can list some things that were said:
1.) She enjoyed that I didn't try to create a PRINCE. That I was just kind of myself
2.) She says that I obviously don't have a lot of singing experience, but both she and Englehart both think that once I'm not so scared of my voice and shape it a little, it'll be a "powerful instrument."
3.) Number two (2) was the main reason I wasn't cast, because my voice needs work. In truth, this isn't what she said, because I don't think she'd allowed, professionally, to say it, but it's clearly indicated. Unless I'm searching murky waters for compliments, but since I'm me, well... I don't think that's really the case.
4.) She and Paul were seeing where I could really improve, not in the bad sense, but in the sense that once I harness my acting ability, I'll be something fierce. I spiced up that last little bit, but it's basically what she implied.
5.) When I mentioned having a second major, she said she was glad, because acting jobs are very difficult to find (which I know), and sometimes luck is a factor, and if you don't have a lot, having a fallback is a good thing. And we know how my luck is.
6.) Overall, Shelley likes my ability to perform. She mentioned never having exactly encouraging people into a Theatre major, but that she's definitely gone the opposite route and dissuaded them from continuing. So, at least that least that's a plus: she thinks I can handle the major.
I forgot to ask about Caught in the Act and tell her about Scrooge, but I'm sure it will come up later. She started saying something about my develpment, about how she would say something about my style now that she wouldn't have said at the beginning of the semester, but she had to run out right quick to stir some rice noodles or something and when we got back she asked my my opinion of my Cinderella audition and we didn't continue where we picked up.
So, I'm a little more confident in my performing abilities after this, and it seems as though my name is getting around the department. I'll be stoked if Panowski, the head, ever says anything to me, but we've never met and also - that would just be too grand, the likes of which I could never really expect to experience. XD