Dear Tony,

Nov 07, 2008 13:04

I know that I must say a last farewell to you…
That there comes a time in every life to let go
To open the hand tightly clasping a memory
To unclench a heart locked in sadness
To release the power of the past and move on.

I finally know that moving on
Does not mean giving up
Or giving in or losing.
It is simply recognition that the time for mourning has passed
And life is waiting to be lived

I will take the good times
And spin them into stars
That will remind me on dark nights
That love; once loved
Never really dies

I will take the bad times
And cast them away from me
Into the winds of forgiveness
Carrying them far
From my door

You once claimed a place in my life
But now I claim the future for my own.
I will set you free and in doing so,
I free myself.
Brighter days
And rides upon the carousel await.

Parting comes
With a whisper of anticipation
An open heart
And one last sigh….
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