Jan 06, 2005 12:51
well since sunday i have been SICK, even had to go to the doctor.. i haven't been to the doctor since i was a freshman in highschool!! not to shabby huh'.. being under the weather pretty much killed my last week of vaccation.. and i have to go back to work in harlingen tommorrow.. and of course i go into work here in about half an hour. yeaay... :( anyhoo the doctor ordered me to bed rest and lots of fluids. so to pass the time by all i've been doing is watching SMALLVILLE and i watched Troy about once only. i like the movie! its good, it keeps my attention. *hopefully* tommorrow i can finally go out of the house! (well other than going to work) and i also hope my time is spent with the one i love to spend it the most *:)*
well kids, i must be off.. Have yourself a good day, and go give someone you love a hug, just....cuz!
"You know what you’re doing. I’ll give you that. Excellent form. But how’s your footwork? " -Sparrow