Oct 05, 2005 19:58
Tomorrow my parents go to court. For the 1st time. But, its not like I know how any of this works.... so I'm thinking there will be other times they have to go, oh... I don't know. But yea, they go to court tomorrow morning but I am hoping that it slips my mind that they are at court since I'll be helping teach in my 4th grade room and that keeps me busy for those 4 hours. Because if I think about it, I'll probably just.... arg. And then I have my night class which SUCKS ASS but it's my last history course ever, so I am trying to enjoy it. (seriously, history is my favorite!) ... and then Matt is going to stop by after because our schedules are complete oppisites and I haven't seen him since the weekend, and well.... we need to see each other more than that.... seriously.
Haha, at work our morning conversations were proving that we were all in the need for some attention from our men. haha, Kristie likes big hands and feet and almost said that Cameron was cute like his dad.... in FRONT of his dad... haha. Yea... I miss my matt. I need some huggins', badly.
This semester is going to be a long one, theres so much work and for my EED 310 class we have to make our portfolio for a grade. Which is yucky for the fact that most EED310 classes don't have to do it... but good for the reasons that.... I going to need one eventually when I interview.... and, I'm going to have lots of guidelines to go by and stuff because it is an actual graded project for me, where others will just have to attemp to make one on their own.
Right now I am happy because Tommy's mom asked me if I ever babysit, and everyone knows that I would LOVE to babysit that lil guy. For some reason his lil personality makes me happy, and I need a lot of feeling happy these days.
Oh, and its the Wings first game of the season, haven't seen them play in FOREVER!