Morning All :)

Mar 23, 2005 10:31

Hey... I thought i'd update because I really should lol. Work has been picking up a bit. I have my good days and my bad days but it's going pretty well. I'm still living hand to mouth but I'm holding out. If i get a second job, it might just make my head spin and well, everyone knows that's not a good thing. We haven't made it formal yet but i'm pretty sure we're turning into a Redken salon. If that's what's going on, i plan on getting my master education at the Redken Exchange in NY so i can move up the ladder here. I probably wont do it until this fall, since i'm looking at a few thousands here to get it but it's something i've been wanting to do for quite a few years. I should get more details on that.
I've taken myself off the dating block. I'm just not feeling the whole dating thing. I've been set up with people and none of them are really my thing. There's someone who i still think of but i'm not holding my breath. It gets so f*cking old going on these dates just to find out there's no clicking going on. I've been told i need to go out a few times and see how things "turn" but to me, that's just settling. I don't want to settle. I don't expect my romantic life to be this big ball of fun all the time but i want passion... i want someone who makes me excited to get ready for... and none of these people do it for me sooooo i'm off the block. I figure there's some master plan and well, when it comes around, it'll come around.
I'm planning on going to the Florida Keys in September with my parents. I went to Florida last year with my dad and step mother but this time around will be neat because my mother and step father are more into the beaches and what not as opposed to the theme parks, which is what i did with my dad. So i've been saving up money for that.
My cousin is getting married in June (not sure if i brought this up before) so that's exciting because i am standing up in her wedding. It's going to be my first normal wedding i'm standing up in LOL. I've been in two others but they were more low key so we didn't do the shower and bacherolette party etc etc. The dresses are cute, no big bows anywhere they don't belong, and they aren't some obnoxious orange or purple.
My father was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease a few weeks ago. I was really freaked out at first but i'm ok with it now. He was shaking pretty bad the past few months but they have him on meds to help control it now so that is good. I'm scared of what's going to happen to him down the road. It's weird having a parent with a disease like that. He's not immobile and he doesn't have any disfiguring aspects but i'm more concerned about him in the future. It's one of those things you just ride with. He's taking the meds and doing what he can to keep it under control so that's good. I visit him every other week or so and we go out for dinner.
My mother is going in for tests tomorrow to check on some sort of lesion she has around her liver. It could be cancer, it could just be an inflammation in her liver. We're hoping it's not the cancer, obviously. Once again.. it's one of those things you deal with as it comes along.
Two have my best friends have some wacky shit going on. I'm not going to go into their details since it's no one's business but their own but it's been stressing me out to some degree. I wish there was something i could do for them and i can't, so it bugs me out. All will be well though :)
I guess I'm just sort of floating along right now. It's sort of maddening since i'm starting to realize i'm going through another stagnant point. I'm working towards better things, but it all boils down to money, which i think everyone is in short supply these days. I'm happy to be able to have a job but it would always be better if i could get where i wanted sooner. Actually, i'm not really stagnant... it's just a slow moving process and anything slow moving drives me apeshit. This is like the last bit of stale bullshit before spring comes and things move along again. For me at least, this always seems to be a thing this time of year. My grandma started her steady decline this time two years ago. Last year i was getting ready to leave Fredricks and get back into some sort of career. So.... long story short.. we'll all work out fine and the perfection in this situation is that this is imperfection, if that makes any sense. If everything was too cheery, it would be odd right? hehehe... Ok i'm out.
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