These two were done at the mini meet-up we had in Montreal!
yue_ix brought her sketchbook and we had crepes and talked porn and doodled. You should see the slashy origami we all made, haha.
yue_ix gave me some pointers on how to approach Colin's oddly proportioned faaaaaaace and it helped a ton. She had these awesome reference compilations too, which I TOTALLY used to make this drawing (which comes with a drabble):
The sun rises at his back. Before him, Merlin sleeps soundly with the ease of a child, hands clasped over his stomach and his face belying peace.
Arthur feels anything but peace.
The night before was…well, it was bloody fantastic, to tell the truth. Dull as Merlin appears by day, at night he’s otherworldly. Passionate and sure of himself-ruthless, even. Arthur clenches the muscles of his backside, unsurprised when a dull ache spreads from the place Merlin claimed with long fingers and wicked tongue-claimed with slow, burning thrusts as Merlin took him apart not twice, but three times over.
Arthur shivers. Outside, the sound of conversation filters in through the open window. It’s probably the guards, changing posts as the day begins.
He should rouse Merlin. Hell, Merlin should be rousing him. Instead, Arthur finds himself curling up on his side, unwilling to get up just yet. He places a hand on the touchable stretch of Merlin’s long, pale neck and rests it there, content just to feel warmth under his palm. Merlin’s lashes flutter against his cheek.
It won't last forever. God, he knows that-knows it better than anyone. But if only for a minute or two, he'll allow himself this moment.
Arthur fingers Merlin’s pitch-dark hair, watching the sun slowly rise across Merlin’s glowing skin.
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