weekly round-up 21

May 06, 2009 23:51

I'm back from Montreal!! Stayed with betsyli, met up with yue_ix, cabayuki, and bououou. Pictures will be up sometime. On the other hand, SORRY deadbeat_nymph, I totally ran out of time and I feel like a tool for not calling you ;__; Forgive me? At least now I know you're close by if I ever decide to pop into Montreal again!

In round-up news, thanks y'all for being so patient with last weekend's edition! It's finally here. I still have a ton to catch up on, but in the meantime have an appetizer. Theme of the week: STUPID BOYS

Weekly Round-Up
Titles in bold are extra-recommended ♥

Merlin recs

Quench by bewarethesmirk (NC-17, 3k)
Summary: Arthur/Merlin. This is something they’re not supposed to acknowledge aloud, no matter how many times Arthur catches Merlin staring. Drunken!porn.
Notes: I love the context of the porn (plot? is that what people call it?), it really adds to the story. Otherwise this would just be a well-written shag, but it gets so much cuter when the boys are all drunk and confessing and stuff.

Romcom, With Sheep by allothi (PG, 3k)
Summary: Arthur/Merlin, future!fic, crack. Merlin goes off to another country to fight evil sheep while Arthur most certainly does not pine and get jealous as he watches his court sorcerer mack on evil shepherdesses through Morgana's magic portal.
Notes: Oh man, it feels good to break out the bold tags again! Needless to say, I LOVED this story. It's full of glorious, cracky GOODNESS--I loooooooooove dorky, jealous Arthur and I looooooove sweet, awkward Merlin. Morgana and Gwen are spot on, too, with a fine edge of snark and crack. It's just a rollickin' good read, fun and adventurous and with daft, emo boys being daft and emo. I LOVES.

the way out is through by derryere (R, 9k)
Summary: Arthur/Merlin, canon!AU. Written for the prompt: When Arthur and Merlin go to drop Mordred they are followed by Uther's knights and all the druids are massacred and the three have to run with a bounty on their head.
Notes: This fic will make you CRY. And melt. and wibble. and wooble. and all sorts of other untintelligible noises-ble. Somehow, derryere maxes out on the FLUFFY SAP through tons of wonderful, touching scenes of Merlin and Arthur's pseudo-family with Morded while simultaneously infusing the fic with an air of foreboding tragedy. Don't let that scare you off though, it just makes for a seriously epic one-shot. No surprise!sad ending. I nearly bolded this title but the only thing keeping me back was that the boys felt a little OOC to me--Merlin, mainly. He's such a WOMAN, and I was missing his snarky, idiot self a bit. BUT IGNORE ME AND MY LOVE OF STUPID, AWKWARD BOYS. This story will still kick your ass up and down the street; it's intense, heartfelt, and heavy on the romance.

RPS recs

Wherein Wooing Colin is Somewhat More Difficult than Anticipated by ifyouweremine (PG, 2k)
Summary: Bradley/Colin. Bradley’s ridiculousness, Colin’s obliviousness, Tasmanian leaping spiders, murderous soybeans, naked Bradley roaming the hotel halls, attempted skywriting, special mention of Katie’s hypnotic breasts.
Notes: It's ifyouweremine, do you really need another reason? This girl's got crack in her blood and it shows with every sentence in her stories. Luckily, she's got the word-fu to back it up, so here we get lovely one-shots of stupid boys getting together through ridiculous courtship. I LOVE!

Looking for previous recs? Check the tag. For FAQ and list of all bolded titles, check the primer.

weekly round-up

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