Title: A Story to be Told - Epilogue. AKA A Curious Kind of Symmetry
Author: A Lanart
Fandom: Doctor Who. Ish.
Rating: G
Spoilers: None. Has a classic Who reference though...
Characters/pairings: OC's only. Kind of.
Disclaimer: Aunty Beeb owns the Whoniverse,
Written for Day Eleven at
consci_fan_mo A/N: This is all
mad_jaks fault. She rummaged in my brain and disturbed things! There wasn't supposed to *be* an epilogue! I wanted this to be a drabble but it wouldn't co-operate, so you have a drabble and half (150 words) instead.
A Story to be Told is
here, and you're best reading that first or this won't make much sense. Mind you, it won't necessarily make sense even if you do!
Nils adjusted his cravat as he watched Rusty leave the bar, possibly for the last time. Then he turned his attention back to the important things in life, like the beer that was still on the table.
“He seemed pleased with our stories,” John commented, “Do you think he’ll remember them?”
“Remember, and add to them. I’ve no doubts about that. It’ll be interesting to see what he makes of them.” They sipped beer in silence for a while, just two old friends in a smoky bar that could have been anywhere in the universe. “I am curious about one thing though,” Nils commented, a sneaky sort of smile on his face, the only kind he was really any good at, although John said he did a nice line in creepy too.
“Which would be what?” John asked carefully.
“Why in all the hells didn’t you tell him about Verity?”