Title: One Day
Author: A Lanart
Fandom: Torchwood
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Cyberwoman; kind of.
Characters/pairings: Ianto
Disclaimer: Aunty Beeb owns the Whoniverse
Written for Day Three at
consci_fan_mo A/N: No idea where this came from, but here you go; 100 words exactly.
One Day, he would be able to leave all this behind. To forget the small slate plaque in the cold ground and remember warm arms wrapped around him. One day he would remember light and love and laughter and not the sickly sweet smell of blood and metal or the stench of burning flesh. One day the smell of fire and smoke would remind him of campfires and too much alcohol, not screams of pain and the agony of failure. One day there would be coffee with a genuine smile and no ulterior motive.
One day, maybe; but not today.