Fic to-do list

Sep 02, 2008 23:51

I've never bothered doing a fic to-do list before as something in me hasn't wanted to quantify fic as something that *has* to be done. I mean it still doesn't *have* to be done, but these are the things I'd like to get done.

First, I've taken on 3 4 fic wishes from the Fandom Free For All. There are more that interest me, but if I don't limit myself then I won't get any of them done, I have a month and a half ish.
The ones I've accepted are:

Star Trek: Voyager; Tuvok/Kim (anyway she can get them, was what was requested) +/- jealous Tom Done. It's here. I'm quite pleased with it.

Star Trek: Voyager; Tom/Harry. 'Anything, in character and loooong.' Not sure I'm going to manage long, but it might be pleasant to visit my Trek boys again.

Torchwood; Tosh's mum - after Tosh has joined Torchwood

Torchwood/H2G2; What if a copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy came through the Rift and Torchwood found it?

I have little bits of visuals for all 3, so think they're all going to happen which is good.

I've also got a couple of things I'd like to do for myself.

I want to complete Eight Hours. Again, I have some visuals (which are rather yummy actually) but all the muses are shouting at once so it's really difficult to pin down a POV. And Ianto muse can't quite make his mind up what he wants to do to Methos first... Did I mention that this next bit was going to be smutty?

And talking of Methos... I also want to get the next bit in my With Friends Like These series done, but Amanda muse is *not* co-operating (which is exasperating Methos muse no end, and Bob muse is sulking). Done. You can read it here. Was fun to write once the muses started co-operating.

I'm just glad that I want to write after the last Month or so of wondering if I was going to be able to write again (thanks, life). I don't think I'm ready to be attempting anything particularly long but none of these are telling me they *need* to be long. However this is me we're talking about and I do tend toward the verbose rather than concise even though my last 5 fics have all been less than 1,700 words which is pretty short for me.

Watch this space!


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