Title: Don't Count Your Chickens / Mi casa es su casa
Author: Aeron Lanart
Genre: crossover - Dresden Files/Highlander
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Pairing/Characters: Murphy, Harry and Butters from DF
Discalimer Dresden Files stuff is the property of Jim Butcher and the scifi channel.
Highlander stuff is the property of Panzer/Davies productions
No copyright infringement intended, no profit made.
A/N: So, after reading 10 books and watching 12 episodes of the tv series of the Dresden Files I have now definitely added another fandom to my crossover addiction. I thought I would dabble a little first, before I try something bigger, so here you have a couple of drabble-y type things.
The First is a true drabble (100 words) and the second is a drabble and-a-half (150). Both mostly dialogue, but will hopefully lead to other things!
Dresden Drabbles ahoy!
1: Don't Count Your Chickens
It was late when Harry received the call, and there were a limited number of people it could be. He sighed; he’d been hoping for a quiet night, but you could always guarantee something would come up.
“Hey Murphy, you got something for me?”
“Not sure, but I wouldn’t be surprised. We’ve got gunshots, swords, lightning and two bodies. I’d like you to take a look at one of them.”
“Only one?”
“One is missing the head, so I’m fairly certain about the cause of death. The other is... puzzling.”
“I’m on it.”
“Let me know if you find anything.”
# # #
2: Mi casa es su casa
Harry strode into Butters’ morgue.
“So, where’s this body Murphy wants me to take a look at?”
“It’s not here.”
“What do you mean, it’s not here? Murphy said it was here.”
“Well it’s not here now.”
“I got a phone call off Murphy telling me about gunshots and lightning and headless corpses and she distinctly said there was another one here that she wanted me to see. So where is it?”
“Come on Butters, it didn’t just wake up and walk out of here.”
“Erm, actually that’s just what it did do.”
“He said he was sorry to have upset me, and did I know anywhere that he could go while he made some phone calls.”
“You let a *zombie* walk out of here to make a phone call?”
“He wasn’t a zombie. Completely normal vitals; I checked.”
“So where is this mysterious not-corpse now?”
“Your place.”
# # #