New (ish) fandoms ahoy! (Spoilers for Dresden Files novels in comments)

Jun 07, 2008 23:24

Got my Dresden Files dvds today, and finished watching Serenity. I just need a little time for them to sink into my fangirl brain and you never know what fun might ensue.

Serenity doesn't take place in the same universe as my main AU (500 years in the future and no f-t-l travel? My starship racing Richie would not be a happy bunny) but Trek (and therefore my AU) has established that there are an infinite number of parallel universes existing so a parallel version of my AU *could* exist. Maybe.

That doesn't exclude the creation of another AU of course; for some reason Serenity pushes my Doctor Who buttons and that's not just because I've been reading Jayne/Ace fic. And immortals will still exist in that universe, even if Siannon O'Niall doesn't (though having said that, I established in one fic in a conversation with Q that there's at least one universe out there where she's died so who's to say that there isn't another one where she exists but f-t-l travel doesn't until much much later... an AU of my AU in fact; and one in which the Blakes 7 universe would slot into nicely!).

Now must go stop my brain from flying off after random possibilities and let me finish the bloody fic I'm working on now. I know what I want to do with the last scene pretty much, but there are a few different endings that are all making equal amounts of noise. I also need to *get* to the last scene to write it.

Maybe I'll just go and watch some Harry and Bob instead (I so want to get to know tv!Bob better, somehow I can't help but think that Hrothbert the necromancer and the man formerly known as Death would have been in cahoots).

waffle, fic-babble

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