Ficcish cogitations

Jun 03, 2008 16:16

If you write fanfic is it lazy to use the tv series (or whatever) plot as the basis for your own stuff?

I kind of realised that the majority of fic that I've written in the Torchwood part of the Mystery 'Verse has very little in the way of plot. Stuff happens, but not in an especially plotty way, especially if there's smut involved. What I do try to do is write it so that my AU could be seen as something that happens off screen so I suppose I'm really doing character studies. I've always tended to write like that, and the stories that are more plotty are also among the longer ones I've written (in the Trek and pure Highlander parts of the AU as well as the Torchwood part) .  Still, I like to see what's behind the scenes, and I love to see how people get crossovers to fit into the 'known' universe. I suppose that sometimes you tend to write what you'd like to see.

I'm not bothered if people think it's lazy or not. I know I can write long plotty stuff if I want to (and if the muses cooperate), but what interests me primarily, and always has, is the characters and how they react; or how you think they'd react to what is seen onscreen. Often it's the under utilised ones I want to know about too; which is why I adored Harry Kim from Voyager (and was a P/Ker to boot), as well as loving Richie from Highlander and Ianto from Torchwood.

What do you think?

waffle, fic-babble

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