icon meme

Apr 02, 2008 10:00

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick four of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee!!

idontlikegravy    wanted to know about...

This is one of the many icons made for me by holo_daxy.  It's Siannon O'Niall, the OFC I use in my Highlander crossover fics, or it's as close as I can get anyway. I can't do computer art so the only way I could take a pic of her was to make her into a sim in my Sims 2 game. I think she came out rather pretty and I'm quite pleased with her. Daxy made the icon much more interesting with a graphic expertise, but Siannon's face is by me!

Bat Guitarist. Nothing exiting about this, it's just the picture on the front of my fave t-shirt, a painted T by Graham Totten. I love bats (have loads of them hanging around in the house) and having one with a guitar is just too cute for words. Seeing as it's something *I* associate with me, I thought it would make a good default icon.

A new addition. I'm a big fan of the artist Anne Sudworth and I wanted something of hers to use as a general but pretty icon. This is from her painting The Old House, and although I'm not sure if it's an actual real place (I've never asked her) it reminds me of the Scottish tower houses you sometimes find like hidden treasures in places you wouldn't expect. You can see more of Anne's work at http://www.annesudworth.co.uk/

This was made by matsujo9 and I couldn't resist it. I adore the Tea, Cake or Death sketch by Eddie Izzard, and you've probably guessed by now that I'm just a bit of a fangirl too *g* so adding Daleks and Jack pretty much guaranteed I would want it. The icon makes me giggle every time I look at it (which can get me some very strange looks depending on where I am!) even if Jack being exterminated wasn't exactly happy happy joy joy.

smithy161  wanted to know about...

Made by
baffledking  but snagged from 
fandom_me  's Thread of Doom.  I have a soft spot for Trees and Sunsets and things and I needed a general sort of icon that could intimate all sorts of things. This has an air of wistfulness and hope about it at the same time so I think it does the job brilliantly

I adore this picture. It was taken of Anthony Ainley on set and while I have no idea what issue of Dr Who magazine it was, it's just made of win. Ainley!Master is *my* Master, more so than any of the Doctors is *my* Doctor as although I only have faint memories of Delgado!Master, I remember Jon Pertwee quite well. The icon was made by
ladyalcamy       This is one of the icons I use for WTF moments as that's what the pic made me do the first time I saw it.

This is the first Jack Icon I appropriated. Again I have no idea who made it. I use it for comments that make me want to go 'ouch' in sympathy for various reasons as the pic, with the text has an air of helplessness around it. Sometimes it just gets used as a gratuitous Jack icon, though I do have more choice now.

mad_jaks    wanted to know about...

Another icon made for me by
holo_daxy  . I decided I was going to try to put Ace in Torchwood, but I didn't want to use her as she'd been seen in the TV series, she was too like Rose (but better). I kind of based my Ace on the one from the New Adventures novels, and the pic of Sophie used for this icon is from a photo session she did in a black rubber catsuit, as Ace in her combat gear (from when she was a  mercenary fighting the daleks). I wanted Ace and Jack together in the icon as I knew they would be friends and comrades if nothing else. Daxy gave me this, which is beyond wonderful. And the fic? It's here if you want to see it.

waffle, meme

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