I have long had a hate/hate relationship with ff.net, dating right back to its early days in the late 90s. To me it was always a bastion of intolerance, full of totally batshit insane people being downright nasty about anything that didn't pander to their opinions ('you're a crossover writer? fuck that shit!') and criticism that was everything BUT constructive. Add to that the interface from hell, their rating system and the fact that adult stories aren't allowed and it was never going to be a place for me.
It still has an interface from hell, a dodgy non-adult inclusive rating system and a ton of batshit crazy people loitering around its doors but it doesn't seem to be as bad as it used to be and I've come across a lot of people in Sherlock fandom who don't read fic anywhere else (despite AO3 being better all round IMO).
This has made me consider whether I should actually bite the bullet and get me a fanfiction.net id. I'm in more than two minds about it - but I'm thinking it might not be a bad idea. OK, posting there would be outside my comfort zone and I'm more than happy with AO3 and LJ, but exposing a new audience to ones own brand of crazy isn't necessarily a bad thing.
I do have one fic there already; our collab, Hearts Filthy Mess was posted by
fred_bear as she does have an id for ff.net. Reception for that was positive, though some of the comments were a little odd (and about what I expect from ff.net).
In other news it's bloody windy and wet today. Winds are above 30mph which might not sound much to you people used to hurricanes and tropical storms but it makes for a rather draughty house.
ETA It would seem that I already have a fanfiction.net id - I did a search for Aeron Lanart, and lo and behold there I was, and have been since September 2007 - only 8 months or so after getting my LJ id. Obviously I decided I didn't like the place still as I haven't uploaded a single thing. Even better, I was able to log in - there's something to be said for associating certain groups of passwords with a particular name/email addy.