So... today is the 25th May which makes it
Towel Day, the one day of the year when you really have no excuse for not knowing where your towel is! Take your towel to work, use it as a bag, hide behind it... you can use a towel for all sorts of things. My lilac towel is going with me to see Star Trek I have been threatening to make my friend all hide underneath it...
Hopefully, if that happens, there will be pictures.
Also, the 25th is Lilac Day, when those who love Discworld will celebrate the Glorious Revolution and remember the People's Republic of Treacle Mine Road - Truth, Justice, Freedom, Reasonably Priced Love, and a Hard-Boiled Egg which is embroidered on my lilac towel, just so I don't forget! Luckily this year, my lilac is still in full flower, so I'll also have lilac for everyone.
For those not steeped in Disc history, you can wear the lilac to show your support in the fight against Alzheimer's Disease. It's an ongoing battle, so needs your support!
One more reason to remember the 25th May (besides it being the date that Liverpool FC first won the European Champions Cup or that the original Star Wars film was released) is that it is Geek Pride Day! Oh and it's Gandalf's birthday.