The Muses are restless

Jun 04, 2012 09:51

It's all very well for the muses to be bloody restless, but when they start grumbling that takes the biscuit it does, especially when they refuse to offer anything in an effort to stop the grumbling.

My OC Siannon is in hiding - I don't think she likes the way I've been treating her, or the other residents of The Mystery verse.

Harry Dresden and Bob are feeling neglected, which isn't really surprising as they haven't been seen in a fic round here for too long, but will they actually *tell* me something to write about them? Will they hell.

The Methos muses are at least staying quiet but they keep on *looking* at me and if I didn't suspect that the reason they're quiet is because one of them has absconded with Ianto muse, I'd be very worried by now.

Darius is bemoaning the fact that he should really be playing a significant part in a certain physician's early life but hasn't been mentioned except in passing, though he at least has been dropping the odd veiled hint with regards to what I could do about it.

Ace, the Torchwood 4 team and Shiv the alien publican are also feeling somewhat abandoned, but they only seem to be talking to each other and not to me.

The various bloody BBC Sherlock muses are *arguing* - which is annoying of them seeing as they're the only ones who've been let out so far this year. My corset-wearing OC Cally wants another outing, preferably with John *and* Greg this time, but the Sherlock muse from that particular verse thinks he should have first dibs on the two of them, even if it is just to watch,which does not please Cally (or her girlfriend Liz). Leather-wearing Lestrade also wants to be out and about again and *he* keeps on mithering on about threesomes, so am wondering whether I should divert him to another verse or what as the Sherlock and John from his original verse are still tangled up in the sheets (and each other) and haven't let on if they'd be interested in a third or not - though that's the John muse's fault rather than Sherlock muse in this case.

I'm looking forward to having some time to myself in the next few weeks to actually *listen* to the muses without needing to worry about other crap for a change - most of my muses are not as loud as the Sherlock ones have been so far this year. You never know, I might actually finish my 30k plus words of Highlander/Torchwood post Children of Earth (non-Miracle Day related) w-i-p... fingers crossed.

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highlander, writing, merlin, dresden-files, sherlock, torchwood4, fic-babble, crossover, fandom, torchwood, mystery_verse

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