Cogitations on Dreamwidth and Livejournal

Sep 10, 2010 17:20

I have had a dreamwidth account since May last year which I obtained during the 'LJ is going to die' kerfuffle because I didn't want to lose my fic. Since then AO3 opened its doors and most of my fic is now on there, unhindered by the general waffle that is currently pervading my LJ and so DmW has not been, in my mind, necessary.

Then the Facebook/Twitter/Sharing thing exploded and I find myself contemplating moving to DmW more seriously. Don't really want to - I like LJ, I have paid time and lots of userpics, I love my custom layout and I know where everything/everybody is plus I suppose I'd have to fix my links if I moved to DmW properly and I'm a lazy cow. Moo.

However, THIS is a big black mark on LJs book and I really don't like the prospect. I have 2 LJ ids, my fic one (mirrored here as a_lanart) and my RL one. Never the twain shall meet - well, only in the one direction at least. I don't mind my fic-LJ friends knowing who I am in RL, and I don't mind my old Sims friends knowing me as my fic writing self but I do NOT want my family stumbling across my fic unexpectedly. Some of them know I write, but not *what* I write and I don't want them to know me as Aeron Lanart, especially not my younger relatives who are on facebook! The twitter thing doesn't bother me so much as I've always avoided it like the plague - I'm not concise enough for that platform.

So, this is in way of being a test post, crossposted to my LJ.

I have 5 9 8 invite codes for Dreamwidth if anyone wants to join me over here, and please feel free to add me (or whatever they call it) if you're here already and want me mithering you here too. I think I'll still do the majority of my reading over on LJ but I have until November (when my paid time expires) to decide whether to move over here wholesale.

ATM my DmW is very purple. I like purple. It might change.

Comment if you wish at LJ or DmW, LJ comments are not disabled - yet.

ETA: everyone on my flist here has been 'imported' so you can comment at my DmW with Open id.

This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.


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