Can I just say that if you're not reading this, you should be! Lots of wonderful writers are taking part and so far the stories have been great. There are also Captain's Blogs, snippets from Ianto's notes, im logs and the like. It's bloody good is what it is.
Run, don't walk to
tw_itallchanges you won't be disappointed.
Oh and they've just posted 'episode' 4 which I am going to have to read before I go to bed.
Yes, I am still on nights.
I have 1 more to go of my current 5 on the run, then I get 2 nights off. Then I work another 3, then 1 night off, then another 3, then 1 night off, then a study day followed by Blue Gillespie in the evening. Phew!!! Oh and then I get a whole *5* days off, but by 'eck I will've earned every one of them by then!
This will hopefully explain any odder-than-usual comments to my flist. And mega-typos.