In celebration of Ace! Picspam

Nov 02, 2007 21:13

You might have gathered that I am a fan of Ace, the Seventh Doctor's companion. So, in celebration of actually managing to get her in a fic of mine I've decided to do some picspam. Some of these are book covers from the New Adventures, some are pics from the BBC website and my faves are the scans from the book 'Ace! The Inside story of the End of an Era'. The Ace I have used is the one who appeared in the Doctor Who New Adventures novels - a hardened and grown up version of the character we met in the series, but still with a heart of gold.

The thumbnails should all be clickable (I hope) to get bigger pics. Now, Ace: where to start? Let me refresh your memory of Ace as she appeared in the TV series...

She's also been on a few covers of the New Adventures books...

And in Artwork that has appeared with the BBC's e-book version of Lungbarrow (I like this, and the space bike is likely to turn up if I write anything else about her)

Last but not least, the scans from the book: these are from a photo session Sophie did to tie in with the New Adventures novels, apparently just before she was written out!

And just to finish it all off nicely, here's a banner made for me by holo_daxy

picspam, ace

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