On Ficathons and Big Bangs...

Feb 19, 2010 20:57

Item the first...

A Ficathon Walks Into A Bar

Signups: 15 February to 24 February
Prompts Distributed: By 28 February
Stories Due: 31 March
Masterlist Posted: Early April

You pick a character, then you pick up to four other fandoms, and the mod of awesomeness will, with the rolls of a dice, select a fandom and a character from said fandom for you to meet in a bar with your character. And then you write at least 500 words on it by the end of March. People should sign up; it sounds like ridiculous fun.

LJ sign up
Dreamwidth sign up

I have signed up with Ace (I thought I should maybe pick someone different than Methos who was the first person who came into my head). I'm looking forward to seeing which character of the four fandoms I've given as being able to write gets picked (Torchwood, Highlander, Dresden Files, Merlin) to meet Ace in the bar... I could always sign up with Methos too if it goes well.

Item the second...

It's Big Bang time again, more acurately tardis_bigbang. I've signed up, having found out last year that I can do a long fic to a deadline if the muses co-operate and I'm hoping that I'll be able to manage it this year (Tardis Big Bang died before it came to life properly last year). I am going to poke the muses as I would like to tell the tale of TYTNW in my TW/HL verse if I can.

Item the third...

There's a writing competition in the current issue of the Torchwood magazine. I have no idea what it entails as yet as the mag is my reading matter for the train tomorrow. I might be tempted with that.

highlander, big bang, doctorwho, fandom, fic-babble, torchwood

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