Tired of all the commercial claptrap that surrounds this date? You can still spread a little love without being sucked in to all that!
Tell your flist how much you love the world. Hell, tell your flist how much you love them!
Spread the Boom-de-Yada love!
I'm starting with a video -
this one by
hllangel to be specific. It's a great little vid, and fits in with the sentiment of the Discovery Channel's original perfectly. I love it! And then there's the
xkcd version too!
I love the way my dog rests her head on my knee and looks at me with those big brown eyes as if I'm the best thing in her world.
I love the way that watching the sun rise always makes me feel - it fills me with hope.
I love all the discussions and differing opinions I have with people on my flist - it's so nice to be able to chat about things in a sensible fashion and quite often it will make me look at things in a different light, giving me a perspective on something I'd never thought about before. This goes for both fannish and non-fannish stuff. Thinking is good!
I love that everyone here thinks I'm weird in a good way!
Have a good Boom-de-Yada day, and don't forget to tell us what you love about the whole world!
More from me later!
I love coffee with baileys after a long shift.
I love being able to laugh about stupid things in work.
I love my patients, especially when they leave me feeling like I've done good at the end of a shift!