Fic:Turn Back the Night Torchwood/Highlander Crossover PG

Oct 20, 2007 20:24

Title: Turn Back the Night
Author: Aeron Lanart
Pairing: Jack/Methos
Rating: PG
Warnings and spoilers: Takes place after Greeks Bearing Gifts and has m/m huggage
Summary: Jack is standing on tall buildings again
Disclaimer: Not mine: Belong to aunty beeb, RTD, Panzer/Davis and whoever owns Batman
No copyright infringement intended, no profit made.
Word count = approx 540

Takes place in the same universe as The Mystery We Are so reading that first would be useful.

Turn Back the Night

Jack resolutely stared out over the night-dark city. He’d watched Toshiko leave her perch outside the millennium centre some time ago, but he did not desert his post. He was trying not to think of feeling ‘dead’ to Toshiko when she used the pendant, trying not to mourn the loss of something beautiful in his friend, and wondering why he was watching and waiting while his feet became more akin to blocks of ice than flesh and blood. Eventually his unspoken question was answered when a presence impinged on his consciousness; a presence he felt almost as much as he heard, that resolved into a warm, vital and achingly familiar pair of arms folding around him and holding him close. No words were spoken, but the kiss that tingled against his skin said more than mere words could. Gradually Jack felt the cold leave him as they breathed together, though his feet still felt like blocks of ice, and eventually he managed to truly relax into the encircling arms. It was only then that he acknowledged the other.

“Methos.” He asked no questions, but to someone who knew how to hear them, they were still there. Methos chose to answer the most obvious.

“I have to be in Bristol tomorrow; it’s too close to Cardiff not to take the opportunity to see you. And Ianto was worried.” Jack shifted infinitesimally in his arms, another unspoken question for Methos to answer. He smiled into Jack’s hair. “I sent him home: it’s just you and me, Batman.”

“Batman?” Jack spluttered and turned round to face Methos, who was still smiling.

“Oh come on, don’t tell me you’ve missed the analogy. Enigmatic hero with long coat likes to stand on tall buildings and is looked after by his faithful butler.” Jack shook his head, but couldn’t help smiling himself.

“Ok. If I’m Batman and Ianto is Alfred, what does that make you? Robin? You don’t seem the type.”

“That’s because I’m not. I’m a mysterious stranger... Now are you going to come back with me to my nice warm hotel room so I can make you forget whatever it is that drove you up here in the first place, or are you going to insist we stay out here and turn into the proverbial brass monkeys?” Methos stuck his hands in his coat pockets and shrugged himself deeper into its enveloping folds as he stepped back to give Jack room to think. Jack glanced at Methos, still with a trace of a smile on his face, then turned back to view the cityscape. He shivered, but not just from the cold; the prospect of another lonely night was not a good one, not with the way he was feeling, and the temptation of Methos inspired oblivion would take a stronger man than him to resist. There was no competition, and he was sure Methos had known that. Jack closed the gap between them and threw an arm around Methos’s shoulders, pulling him close.

“Where did you say this hotel was?” He asked nonchalantly. Methos snaked one of his arms around Jack’s waist and returned the hug.

“Not far...” Still wrapped around each other they turned their backs on the night to return to the world below.

To be continued?...

methos, highlander, slash, mystery_verse, jack, fic, torchwood

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