Title: Street of Dreams
Author: A Lanart
Character(s)/pairings: Oc's, Ianto Jones
Fandom and/or Prompt: Torchwood. No prompt
Rating: G
Spoilers/Warnings: None; just a touch of crack as is fairly normal for my Torchwood 4 verse.
Disclaimer: Anything you might recognise doesn't belong to me. However, I take full responsibility for resurrecting Joseph
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Comments 12
I must admit I would too - that's definitely a lot like 'coming home' to me :D
Me thinks me likes Helen.
looking as pristine as ever from the rear,
It's not the first thing I'd think of but damn it *fits*
I'm glad you like Helen, even if she is a bit of a Mary-Sue. Makes me think that maybe it's not too obvious...
and as for the pristine thing, it's them creases in his trousers...
I don't mind meeting a bit of a Mary-Sue every now and again as long as I don't feel like I'm being bludgeoned to death by them, which I don't here.
*snickers over creases*
Hopefully there will be more from Torchwood 4 and Helen before solstice...
y'know, I've always been a bit suspicious of Kimo's. It's definitely bigger on the inside... ;-)
I love this series, and it feels extra special and more 'real' because I know the places you're describing :)
If I ever find the coffee shop I'll let you know, it appears to be invisible...
So glad you like, it's fun to be writing about Torchwood in Liverpool.
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