Title: This Side of the Truth
Author: A Lanart
Fandom/Genre: Dresden Files/Highlander crossover. TV verse Dresden with bookverse cameos.
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Pairing/Characters: Harry and McAnally from DF, Methos and Amanda from HL
Summary: McAnally has more in common with Harry's new friends than Harry realises.
Disclaimer: Dresden
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i have majour writers block so i'm browsing lj.
didn't know u'd done a new df/hl but glad u have :)
The Dresden part of my brain wanted an airing before the consci_fan_mo bunnies start to nibble. Part 2 will be up soon.
Hmmm de-wraithing your brain (or should that be de-Raithing) might be interesting. I'd read it!
his older sister is a b*tch
I love Thomas.
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