Title: Shattered In Aspect
Author: A Lanart
idontlikegravyCharacters/Pairing(s): Torchwood Team and CoE characters, Methos and Joe from Highlander: The Series, OFC and the Doctor.
Pairings: Gwen/Rhys, Jack/Ianto, Ianto/Methos, Jack/Methos, (background of Methos/Jack/Ianto)
Rating: PG-15 (M)
Word Count: 28,120
Warnings: It’s a non-fixit
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Comments 10
Thanks god for Methos
You and me both. I've never been so glad to have written a specific character into a different universe than their home than I was about Methos when CoE was broadcast - his presence in this AU made all the difference to being able to deal with it.
I keep getting to the second paragraph in the last part and having to stop
I think I might need to be cuddled up in bed to be able to finish...
That particular scene had me in tears when I was trying to write it but the muse demanded it be done - I was getting to 'watch' it in full colour with added smellivision... very very bizarre.
Still love Methos being there!
I insist Ianto is not dead though! *still in denial, even after how long?*
His presence *does* make a difference in way in the next part, though not as you might think. Is a bit more of a hopeful ending than the one RTD gave us.
I'm still in Denial about a character in Highlander the series - and that goes back to 1997!
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