The Mystery We Are. TW/HL Xover 35/36 [NC-17] *WIP*

Sep 20, 2007 21:51


Methos poured on the power as they left the city lights behind them and the car sped away. Their destination turned out to be an old coaching inn partway to the Brecon Beacons, which meant that there had been plenty of opportunity for Methos to proudly show off the car’s handling capabilities. As he pulled into the car park, they were both wearing huge smiles. Methos was pleased to discover that the old inn was everything he’d been reassured it would be; the main part of it was still in use as a pub with many of its old fixtures and fittings remaining in place which bestowed an air of living history on everything, and the stable block had been converted into a reasonably sized but intimate restaurant. Jack’s eyes shone with appreciation as they were shown to a table in a secluded corner.

“How did you manage to discover this place?” He asked after they’d been seated

“I have my sources,” Methos replied enigmatically, smiling gently. Jack chuckled.

“And if you revealed them you’d have to kill me, I suppose.”

“Something like that.”

“Then I’ll ignore my curiosity and just enjoy myself.” He reached across the table and gave Methos’s fingers a quick squeeze, which was returned in kind.

“That was the general idea.”

They had no trouble enjoying themselves; the food *was* good and the company better. They both relished the chance to spend some quality time together without the outside world intruding, and probably revealed more to each other about themselves than they had intended as they let the barriers between them fade to nothing, creating almost as great an intimacy as anything else they had shared. That air of intimacy without overwhelming desire cocooned them until they arrived back in Cardiff, when it began to fray at the edges. Methos had, much to Jack’s delight, allowed Jack to drive back. The closer they got to ‘home’ the more Methos found himself concentrating on the way Jack’s hands moved on the steering wheel and gear stick than the way he was driving. By the wicked grin that Jack gave him, he was entirely aware of it too. As they pulled into the car park Jack noted the presence of the SUV with a sidelong glance at Methos and a raised eyebrow, but said nothing as he slid the XK8 into the space next to it. Methos silently thanked Siannon and Ianto, and suppressed the thrill of anticipation that ran through him; he wanted nothing to show on his face to forewarn Jack of what waited for them.

As soon Methos opened the door to the flat he could tell the difference. He stopped just inside and inhaled appreciatively; sandalwood he recognised immediately but there were underlying notes to the scent that he could not, myrrh perhaps, and something else. Jack almost barrelled into him, muttering, then fell silent as he glanced around, noting the subtle changes in lighting, the scent, the music playing. Methos grabbed his hand, pulled him further into the room, and kicked the door shut.

“Someone’s been busy,” Jack commented.

“It’s a gift from a very generous heart,” Methos replied with a smile, gently removing Jack’s coat and hanging it beside his own. “And I suggest we don’t waste it.” He held out his hand. “Dance?” He asked.  Jack acquiesced and let himself be drawn into Methos’s arms, moving to the music slowly and in complete harmony as their lips met. As Methos gently dusted kisses over Jack’s face and neck he pushed the braces down and began to undo the buttons of Jack’s shirt; the music forgotten. The shirt was carefully removed, followed by the t-shirt; warm breath puffed across exposed skin and Jack shivered with pleasure.

“I feel like I’m being unwrapped.”

“Maybe you are. I just haven’t taken the time to appreciate my present...”  Methos guided Jack to the couch and made him sit down. “And appreciating you is something I have every intention of doing very thoroughly.” Jack’s attempted reply was swallowed by another kiss, but he decided he didn’t care as the kiss moved from mouth, to neck, to shoulder leaving him tingling in its wake.

Methos blazed a trail across Jack’s exposed skin with lips, teeth and tongue, and couldn’t keep from smiling at the sounds every touch produced. As his tongue swirled Jack’s belly button, he cast a glance upward at a particularly frantic moan and drank in the sight of Jack gasping, head lolled on the back of the couch as if he hadn’t the strength to support it; another swipe with his tongue and the moan was accompanied by Jack’s hips bucking upwards. Methos took pity and began to undo Jack’s trousers, gentle fingers carefully freeing his burgeoning cock.

“Methos...please....” Jack sounded desperate. Methos licked the head of his cock once, then raised his eyes to catch Jack staring at him, his bright blue gaze darkened with need.

“Begging, Jack?” Methos teased.

“You bet I am.” Jack panted in reply.

“Seeing as you asked so nicely...” Methos lowered his head once more and after another couple of teasing licks that had Jack gasping for more, he obliged, taking the full length into his waiting mouth. He worshipped Jack’s cock with all his being, wanting every lick, every graze of his teeth and every suck to mean something. Jack was moaning incoherently in no time at all, the fingers in Methos’s hair lax and trembling. Methos hummed around Jack’s cock, almost grinning as he felt the effort Jack made not to thrust up hard into the hot wetness that surrounded him, and then with no warning deep throated him. The resulting shout from Jack might have contained his name, but Methos couldn’t be entirely sure as he swallowed every last drop of Jack’s release.

Methos was carefully undoing Jack’s boots when he heard his name whispered from above him. He slithered upwards to answer with a kiss, knowing Jack would still be able to taste himself. One still-shaky hand cupped his face, the other touched his trapped erection. Methos carefully removed the hand from his crotch and gave Jack another kiss.

“Tonight isn’t about me. It’s about you.” He silenced Jack’s protest with fingertips on his mouth before it was articulated. “And in the process we’re both going to seriously enjoy ourselves. Let me do things my way, ok?”

“What about you? You can’t deny what you want.”

“I’m not trying to. I’m just deferring the conclusion for a while; I’ve had more practice at doing that than you have, so I thought I’d relieve the tension a bit.”

“Thanks.” Jack laughed breathlessly, his head thumping back against the couch. Methos slid back to the floor and continued to undo and remove Jack’s boots; then decided to take off his own while he was at it. He laid both pairs of boots off to one side where they wouldn’t be tripped over by either of them. A quick upward glance established that Jack was still relaxed against the back of the couch, eyes closed, though his breathing was quickly returning to normal and Methos decided to lose his own clothes in double quick time.

“I wanted to do that...” Jack announced petulantly as Methos was folding up his clothes.

“Tough. And anyway, I haven’t finished with you, yet.” That said, Methos hooked his fingers into the waistband of Jack’s trousers, and after an accommodating lift of his hips from Jack, pulled them off in one smooth motion and carefully deposited them with the rest of the clothes. Methos took a step back to enjoy the view, and grinned. He held out a hand, which Jack clasped firmly in his own, and dropped a quick kiss onto his fingers before hauling him to his feet and into his arms. They stood wrapped around each other for a short while, savouring the touch of skin on skin, but not demanding anything more of each other. Methos broke the embrace, and took Jack’s hand once more. With a brief stop at the fridge for a bottle of water, he gently led Jack toward the bedroom.

Jack knew that something would be different about the room he’d spent the last few nights in, but he hadn’t expected quite what greeted his senses. The scent that permeated the flat was stronger, but not unpleasantly so, and the air was warm from the presence of many candles casting their light in a wash of golden flickering colour that created some very interesting patterns of light and shadow where it hit uncovered skin. Even the bed looked different, with a few more cushions scattered across its surface, and a deep red throw that reflected the candlelight warmly placed in just the right position at the base of the bed for an exhausted and uncoordinated person to reach out and pull over themselves.

“This is... unexpected.” Jack murmured. “Beautiful, though. You look good by candlelight.” Methos laughed softly.

“I think that was the general idea. Now go lie down.” Jack obliged. “On your stomach, if you don’t mind.” Once Jack had turned over, Methos moved to one side of the bed, and selected a bottle from the box that had been left there, before settling on the bed between Jack’s legs. He poured some oil into his hands, warming it between them before he leaned down to massage Jack’s shoulders and neck.

“Ohh, that’s good.”

“Relax and enjoy, Jack.” Methos’s intent was to make Jack intensely aware of his skin, without over stimulating him, as well as getting him relaxed enough that he would be more open to other sensations. It was an added bonus that his oiled skin gleamed with a hint of gold in the candlelight, giving Methos a visual feast as the tension was smoothed away. From neck, to back, to legs and feet Methos steadily worked, kneading knotted muscles, soothing tense areas with deep therapeutic strokes. Jack turned over at his bidding without a hint of protest or innuendo, and Methos continued his journey in reverse, from feet upwards. The candles kept the air warm enough that neither was uncomfortable, and they both lost themselves in the meditative power of touch.

It took Jack a few moments to realise that Methos had stopped. One oily hand was still on his shoulder, but the other was rummaging round somewhere else.

“What?...” The hand moved to caress his face, and Methos looked deep into his eyes.

“Do you trust me?” he asked, softly. Jack ran that thought through his head; it was something he’d avoided asking himself. He answered with the truth.

“Here and now, completely. Otherwise, I’m not sure.”

“Here and now is all I ask.” Methos finally brought the item in his other hand into Jack’s vision; it was a strip of dark silk, just the right size to be used as a blindfold. “May I?” He asked carefully, holding the silk in such a way that it was completely unthreatening. Jack answered by raising his head, allowing Methos to tie it round his eyes. It was obviously something the old immortal had some practice in doing as it completely blocked Jack’s vision, but did not feel uncomfortable or too restrictive. He smiled.

“Kinky old man.”

“You’ll love it, believe me.”

“Oh I believe you alright. You going to tie me up as well?”

“Do you want me to?” Methos asked, Jack sensed an intense undercurrent to Methos’s voice, a hint of something darker. It made him think; did he really want to be tied up by Death.

“Not right now.” He replied hesitantly.

“Then I won’t. I’d have to improvise anyway; I hadn’t taken that into consideration.”


“And with your hands free, you can take that blindfold off whenever you want.” Jack hadn’t thought of that either, and found it profoundly reassuring. It was the last clear thought he had, as Methos began to touch him once more.

Blindfolded, Jack had no idea where each touch was going to land, or what would be behind it; whether it would be mouth or fingers or something else. Mouth and fingers were familiar enough not to make him twitch, though he felt his skin was tingling at each gentle brush of lips or fingertips. Then his skin really tingled as he was touched by what felt like nothing more than the brush of electricity. Gasping at the shock he realised it was Methos’s quickening, and actually not that unpleasant at all.

“You ok?” Methos whispered.

“More than ok. Don’t you dare stop now.”

“I’ve no intention of stopping just yet.” True to his word, he continued, the gentle shocks of his quickening touching Jack’s skin becoming more frequent and more intense as Methos allowed more to escape from behind his internal barriers. Methos was soon breathing almost as heavily as Jack; maintaining the concentration required to enable him touch Jack with his quickening was hard work, particularly with a body that was doing its best to distract him with its own ever increasing demands. However, the result was worth every effort as Jack writhed and moaned beneath each touch, no matter how gentle, his cock now rigid and leaking. Methos paused for a moment, drinking in the sight of a blindfolded, needy Jack, skin flushed and highlighted with flickering golden light. He clamped down a little on his quickening, and reached for the lube.

Jack was on fire, inside and out. Methos had him completely dazed so focused was he on the sensation of touch. Jack doubted he would have had the strength or coordination to removed the blindfold if he’d wanted to, he couldn’t even speak beyond stuttered syllables that made no sense in any language except that of desire. When Methos touched the entrance to his body with careful fingers that still tingled slightly with his quickening, Jack’s brain went into overload. He was vaguely aware that the blindfold was removed, but he still couldn’t see, his eyes blinded by flickers of gold and lightning. A wordless voice soothed and stimulated as the lightning passed into his body, touching his inmost self, seeking, stroking, filling him. Hot and hungry lips were pressed to his, and more lightning coursed through his body; Jack gave back all he had.

Methos groaned harshly, breathing hard and fast as he plunged into Jack’s body. He couldn’t resist the demand in the near-sightless eyes and leaned down to take Jack’s mouth as his cock was taking his body. What he hadn’t expected was Jack’s instinctive outpouring of self into the kiss, and the sudden coursing of golden light through his own body, tracking the path of his quickening. Lightning met fire, and wrapped around it in joyful recognition, totally overloading the senses of the humans who contained such power. Joined body, soul and mind; Methos and Jack came together violently with a wordless scream, in a sharing so intimate, neither had any resistance to the encroaching darkness that followed release.

They came back to themselves clinging to each other, shivering with reaction and ridiculously happy. Neither felt able to articulate anything, but they said everything they needed to with a tender brush of lips. Methos slithered to one side, holding and being held, while Jack pulled the soft red cover over them both. They drifted into sleep, the golden glow flecked with blue lighting that surrounded them slowly fading.

By the time they woke, it was almost morning and they were still feeling dazed and a little bit shaky. Methos gently brushed the hair out of Jack’s eyes, and kissed his forehead. Jack smiled, and pulled Methos in for a more thorough kiss. He was still smiling when they broke it.


“Jack.” They shared another kiss. Jack glanced at his watch.

“I have to go soon.”

“I know.”

“I...” Jack couldn’t think of how to explain what he was feeling, so he settled for kissing Methos again before sliding out of bed. He stood by the bed for a second and let the sight of a thoroughly dishevelled Methos imprint itself on his brain. Methos smiled lazily up at him.

“This is where you ask me to take a shower with you, and we prove to each other that we’re still alive and on the same planet.”

“That sounds like an incredibly good idea.” Jack grinned and held out a hand. “Shower?” Methos took his hand and replied,

“Don’t mind if I do.” By the time they reached the bathroom they were awake, and playing in the shower an enticing prospect, which they did to its enjoyable and sticky conclusion. Luckily there was enough warm water left for them both to get clean afterwards, and they carefully dried each other, silently saying a good bye to each piece of skin.

Once dressed, Jack gathered together all the things that had taken residence in Methos’s flat over the last week or so. Bag in hand, he paused by the door, looking almost bereft. Methos smiled at him, and made shooing gestures.

“Go on, go. I’ll be over later once everything’s sorted here.”

“I know, it’s just...” Methos carefully gathered Jack in his arms, hugged him tight and kissed him softly.

“I do understand. Truly. Now go.” He gently pushed Jack out of the door. “I’ll see you later.”

highlander, fic, fic-crossover, adult, slash, crossover, torchwood, mystery_verse

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