Oct 26, 2003 23:34
fall forward, spring back
Friday-Billy Bloom's Birthday Bash-got to see a lot of people I haven't seen in a while: Neil, Jonah, Bam-Bam, Joe C., Ariel, Coop, Dan Rodman and Liz Kelly. I was in attendance with my posse: Jes, Cory and Lena. All I did was eat jell-o and a brownie, I swear! And some rice too, mmm. Then I got to walk home from Allston, AGAIN.
Saturday-Went to Liz Kelly's (www.lizkelly.com) gig at some bar, she's damn good. Went to Lowell with Cory, talked about stupid shit, rented 28 days later and saw a very butch lesbian.
Today-helped out the mommy and daddy with things. I need clothes.
getting close now, i'm very excited.