TV Woes

Nov 21, 2007 08:35

My DVR ate the last hour and a half of the Biggest Loser. =( Anything that taped on NBC last night is gone. *sigh* I had already watch the first 30 minutes, but now the rest is gone. And of course it's one of the shows on NBC that you can't watch the whole episode. At least I have a vague idea of what happened and I know who went home.

Today I must do the dishes so that we have a clean kitchen for Thanksgiving food. I also need to thaw the turkey. I should do that now while I'm thinking of it.... Done.

Bill's great aunt and uncle are going to come over for Thanksgiving. So that should be nice. =)

We had a nice visit with my parents. It's too bad that Bill had to work yesterday, but it was still fun. I just had been staying up way too late visiting with them...hehe.

We went to the bookstore on Monday and Benjamin played with the trains and I finally got the Mason Dixon Knitting book and I ordered a book about making baby food and toddler food. I want to make EVERYTHING in the Mason Dixon Knitting book. I hardly knew where to start, but I decided that in order to make room for all the Peace Fleece that is exploding all over my bedroom that I needed to knit up all the little balls of Patons into a Log Cabin blanket. I've never had a desire to make a blanket before, but I can't put it down. It's fun. =) It's gonna take me forever to weave in all the ends though...

food, family, knitting

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