Nov 05, 2007 06:41
The things I do to myself....
Abigail woke up around 2:30. I kept dozing on and off and couldn't wake up enough to pick her up and go to bed. I was trying. So I finally was able to get up around 5:30 after many tries and go back to bed. This of course didn't work because she woke up when I put her in her crib....hehe. So then I got back up with her switched sides and tried again. An hour later she was awake and not ready to be put in her crib. So I changed her diaper and she peed on her clothes.
So now she's playing on the floor for a bit because it feels like 7:30 to her when she normally gets up. She'll probably nap in about an hour (just in time for Benjamin to get up).
So I slept in my bed last for a total of 3.5 hours and my arm is stiff from laying on that side for a while. But babies are so snuggly and warm!!! I'm really gonna have to stop covering myself up with a blanket (just me not her...she has a warm sleeper and a sleep sack on at night), because if I was cold I'd be able to stay awake.... ;)
I'll wake up eventually. I think I'll do a yoga thing maybe that will help. I need the exercise anyway.