May 28, 2007 07:43
Saturday my MIL was here in the afternoon for Benjamin's birthday celebration (Bill's dad never could get a straight answer about whether he had to work so he stayed home, but ended up not having to work...oh well). Benjamin and I went to the store and got his cake etc in the morning. Benjamin had just gone down for a nap when Sherry got here and so we chatted and snacked for a while as he was sleeping. Then when Bill got home we put stuff on the grill and had Benjamin open presents and eat cake.
Benjamin wouldn't touch his cake. He STILL hasn't tried it. Silly kid. We told him it was all kinds of stuff to try to get him to eat it. We told him it was chocolate, we tried saying it was a cookie, etc....he wouldn't try it. He did sort of blow out the candle though...he tried to at least. We did get him to blow on it..I'm just not sure that he is the one that ended up blowing it out. I do have a couple cute pictures from that. His cake was so cute was Little People farm animals. It had a farmer and a cow and a pig on it.
His presents were a hit. He got a backpack to put all his animals in and some toy trucks and an outfit and a little people firetruck from Grandma and Grandpa. On Friday night he opened a couple things from my granddad and got a balloon from his daddy (which he succeeded in popping in the ceiling fan the very next day) He got some workbooks, some wooden animal beads on a string, a swimsuit and a stuffed dog from my granddad. The beads were a disaster because apparently he can't stand having anything tied to anything, so we gave them to him without them being on a string. The balloon also caused drama because he didn't want it tied down to anything (toys or anything), but otherwise the string was too short and he couldn't reach it. *shakes head* He also got some little people dinosaur stuff from my friend Laura and a new Baby Einstein DVD. The DVD is the newest signing one and it's so cute because he rarely does signs, but he repeats pretty much all the words and has started doing the sign for baby when he says baby. He loves the dinosaurs and it came with an egg that sort of has a door that opens so that dinosaur hatches (he puts his cats or some of the little animals in the egg and closes them in's so cute). We got him a pig bubble blower that takes batteries and you just squeeze the handle and tons of bubbles come out. It's great! So much better than blowing bubbles forever and ever. He liked that and we also got him some Lincoln Logs that had some cows and horses with them. He LOVES the Lincoln Logs because basically he thinks they are sticks that he can play with inside. He even tells you they are sticks. We also technically got him a drum for his birthday, but that never got wrapped because he loved it so much in the store and told us that it was a drum and wouldn't let go of it for 2 days....
So anyway...we have lots of new toys and lots of little pieces (just what I needed... *wink*). It was fun though and he played with his water table for hours on Friday and a bit more yesterday too. I knew that would be a hit. =)
So I found out on Saturday night that were having an open house on Sunday from 2-4. Bill was going to work from 12-5 so it wouldn't affect him, but I had a 2 year old and dog to figure out what to do with for 2 hours. Nice of the realtor to give me notice about it....he had mentioned something about it briefly when we originally listed the house, but hadn't said anything about it since, so I didn't know what was going on. But I was pretty annoyed. My MIL was there and I had been pretty tired, so he was making a 9 month pregnant tired person clean her house in an evening. *grumble* Bill was super exhausted when he got home Saturday, so he was no help whatsoever and neither was MIL. Oh well. I managed.
I ended up taking Thunder over to my friend Rachel's house so I didn't have to worry about what to do with him (he listens to her better than me, so I knew he'd be fine) and Benjamin and I took a little trip over to Pulaski to Laura's house (the drive got him a good nap and I had a good chat with my brother on the phone) Then Rachel and her fiance Dave ended coming over to grill out and brought Thunder back home. We had a good time and Bill got along really well with Dave (they stayed outside and chatted FOREVER after dinner). We had barbeque chicken, mashed potatoes and some macaroni salad that Rachel made. Then we made them help us eat up some cake and ice cream....The birthday cake is a marble cake and is pretty good.
I've been sleeping horribly the last few nights, waking up at least twice and my body is just sore in the mornings. I may end up sleeping in the recliner for part of the night soon. I dunno. At least the discomfort means I'm nearing the end.
*yawn* Well I guess it's time for breakfast and once the kiddo gets up he needs a bath...big time. Other than that I don't really have any plans of going anywhere or doing anything important today. Hope everyone has a good rest of their Memorial day weekend.