Feb 23, 2005 14:48
Hello everyone, well I am just sitting here in the computer lab and stuff since my next class got cancelled and I have another class at 5:30 and I figured instead of going home and pretty much having to turn right back around I thought I would stay here and probably get more done. Well my weekend wasnt too bad I suppose I had my Uband concert on Friday that went ok, my mom, grandma, aunt and laura came to see it and they came over and checked out my apartment first so that was fun,then it was funny cause we had this huge debate over where to eat after the concert...see it was a friday and right now during lent until easter we arent allowed to eat meat on friday's (yeah it's a catholic thing) so my mom was like first we will go to mcdonald's and then we remembered it was friday and she was like we will just eat fish...and if you know me I hate fish. So I was like no I'm not eating there so we picked a pizza place finally after much debate and I found where a cici's was online....I got so frickin lost trying to find it with laura after the concert...(sometimes map quest sucks) and then after I found my way back into the other direction off our exit , it had been a while and stuff and we finally found cici's...it was funny but anyway, so then when I got home I went and gave danna her b-day present since I wasnt gonna see her..(who just turned 21 yesterday ..HAPPY 21st B-DAY SIS) then hung out at the house , then pretty much just worked and hung out at the house for the rest of the weekend....and yeah that's about it, I have been really tired latley ...sunday I came home and passed out, then monday I had to get up early for a staff meeting at H20, and then left for school , went straight to class and got out of class made it home by 7, passed out, yesterday I got out of my band class early and sat down started reading for class early....yeah I passed out lol....so yeah I have been kinda worn out, so anyway my first class today was intresting, this is the class with the profesor I hate who thinks he is like god or something and has all the answers and gets all of his info for class from as one of my fellow classmates put it " www.ihateamerica.com"....lol well he is gone for like 2 weeks for some conference and we have a sub! YAY!!!!! so today we actually had a discussion in class and I found out we actually have 5 people not just one who actually enjoy this class lol....but yeah it turned into a "what dont we like or like about this class" at first , much rosati (my profesor)bashing , and then a little chat on our personal opinons and the class topic today intellegence....I think that was quite possibly the most all of us have EVER talked in that class...it was so much nicer than a normal class day with Rosati, and it was defiantley intresting to find out some of our classmates opinons that we didnt know about. My favorite was this one remark this dude said about his opinion of the class ...I about fell out of our chair from laughing...he said "ya know he hates america so damn much and has such a frickin negative attitude towards ANYTHING american or bush related that it makes me want to change and be like the only black republican in this school just because...."...it was halarious coming from one of the strong democrats in the room...lol....I dunno maybe you just had to be there but I thought it was halarious...I mean was just so refreshing to have a different type of class, I mean I have no problem listening to the other view points opposite of mine and stuff like that and I have had other profesors who have had opposite view points of me but this man I have come to the conclusion along with other classmates is just overly pushy of his opinon, and we are not learning squat about U.S. foreign policy, we are learning his opinon, and I used to think he just was a really big democrat who hated anything republican or rather non-democrat and non-liberal, well I was wrong, we started talking about the clinton admistration and other democratic leaders some and well I think he just hates America and our government period....but anyway, enough of that I just thought it was intresting and it was on my mind since I just got out of that class....I can not get over how hot it is here right now...it's 70 outside! I feel like it's summer already , it's crazy, and it was just raining and cold outside on monday.....and it's so pretty out today, well anyway I think I am gonna go outside to the sidewalk cafe and get some ice cream....later homies! =)