Nov 09, 2004 11:01
Hello again.....well I am sitting in the computer lab at school, and I got here early today so I could renew my parking garage spot and I did that walk to my first class and there was a post on the door saying we dont have class today...yay! but I kinda wish she would have e-mailed us or something and told us in advance so I wouldnt have had to come so early but oh well I am thought I would check my e-mail in case she did after I left and then make a quick post....then it is off to study for my test in my latin american polictics class.....oh yay....I can't wait...not...anyway so I have a slightly longer day today than I normally do on tuesday's cause after this class I am going to go take a picture with some other band students that volunteered and we are going to be on the new Carolina Band brochure....I am excited about it....Dr.O'Shields said the one they give out now has like people on it that graduated probably before we were born anyway I am excited about doing that....then I have practice and I need to of course the wonderful joys of homework, then I maybe i will clean up a bit since I think megy is coming to visit me tomorrow, so she can see my apartment and hang out with me before she leaves for NY this weekend =(.....she is leaving this weekend to move out there with Graham into their new house......but anyway I suppose I should go and start studying....oh....oh wait one more thing....WE WON OUR SIXITH GAME THIS WEEKEND!!!!!.....WE ARE GOING TO A BOWL GAME! YAY!!!!!.....I am excited can't ya tell? I am hoping we will be going to one with 8 wins...(Florida and Clemson) but at least 7 maybe...anyway so crosses fingers that win I come back sunday from florida it will be our 7th win yeah GO COCKS!!!! wahooo.....ok sorry I just had to make sure everybody new about the gamecocks goin bowling! YAY!....well until next time folks....