What Dreams Aren't Made Of: The Master Post

Jul 03, 2010 04:08

Title:What Dreams Aren't Made Of
Author: aerogroupie
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jon Walker/Brendon Urie
POV: 3rd, Brendon
Summary: There was a sea of differences between them, and Brendon knew that it was only a fantasy at best to ever even get to talk to Jon.
Disclaimer: Not a single tiny bit is real.
Betas: slashxmistress and sinfulxtragedy
WARNINGS: Each chapter has warnings for the fic. However, this is a BDSM relationship in the works. It's MADE to be not quite so ideal. Underage sex is also a big part of this.
Author Notes: Coming in at 7 chapters, the end of What Dreams Aren't Made Of comes to an end. Over a year in the making, this has been a long, fun journey. So much love to my darling, sweet Trisha who encouraged me so much. Without her this fic wouldn't have been finished. That and all my readers! I love each of you guys so much. Thank you for every comment and concrit. They've helped make this fic a thousand times better <33333

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
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