Finished up one of my two Inception WiPs!! I can still see all its flaws -- clichéd, derivative, sentence fragments ahoy! -- but I'm happier with it than anything else I've ever written before. Now, I'm working myself up to deanon-ing and reposting. ::bites nails::
Started posting a (short) Merlin WiP. It's silly, but fun to write.
Signed up for paperlegends, the Merlin fandom big bang. Am excited and nervous, but I've had this plot floating around in my mind for months, so why not? The author/artist match-ups aren't until May 1st, so I have plenty of time to see whether I can actually pull this off.
Read this fic, which made me question why I bother trying to write anything: Get Lost by winterlive. (Inception, Arthur-centric, PG-13, 13K) Sigh. This story is so gorgeous, I want to wrap it around me like a blanket. ♥
Made a bunch of phone calls I'd been dreading. So, so relieved that's done with.
Watched True Grit. I loved it. The young actress who played Mattie was brilliant, and now I'm really excited about the casting rumour I heard about Hailee Steinfeld playing Katniss in the Hunger Games movie. That would be awesome. Less awesome is the fact that she basically carries the whole movie and you couldn't even find her name on the movie posters. I mean, Jeff Bridges et al. were amazing, but come on.