May 19, 2004 19:26
Anyway, life is just peachy here :) I'm actually the happiest I've been in awhile now. And work went really good today too. I worked from 12:00 (noon) until 4:00pm and made $34 YaY! Oh, Tara is a friggin table hog. She's like a damn great white shark, she just floats around that dining room and the minute a table is sat in any pick-up sections she's like friggin flying over to them. LOL Damn her! LOL I love her though... she's fun...
Um... we are going to see Shrek 2 tonight at Tinsletown... YippY!!! And I've listened to the Chicago soundtrack FAAAAR too much. Chip will not stop listening to All That Jazz! LOL Love the song... and its entertaining to watch him perform in the passenger seat... but omg! :) Um... what else to talk about.
Chip read an entry in his journal to me today, and it was sooo sweet... of course I'm not posting it on here for all you drama fags ;) I think I finally found a decent guy, but I guess we'll just see how this goes. I haven't had much luck with guys since Tony, I've seen several guys, actually dated one and just keep getting ditched, phased out or just plain ignored after so long. I guess I have my defenses up... but with Chip it seems right... I lay there and it seems like we've dated for months. I'm so comfortable around him, and we haven't even, ya know... well, ya know LOL And he's the first guy I've been with since Tony that I can just lay and make out with for 15 minutes and STILL not be tired of kissing him. But, I still get worried... scared to fall too quickly for him... (yet I always fall too easily for people and get hurt in the end) so hopefully he has patient with me. We haven't said the wicked four letter word to one another LOL Which is a good thing, cause I wanna mean it... and I definitely want HIM to mean it too. I mean, Tony said it to me for two and a half years and only meant it for about half of that. I just want him to know he wants to be with me, and if he ever becomes unhappy with me, to tell me as soon as he does... if Tony would have just told me he didn't wanna be with me 1.5 years earlier, like he should have... I probably would have gotten over him a lot easier. But for now I'm happy, he says he's happy with me... so hopefully things work out for us :) The only thing that's gonna suck is when he finds a place to go, cause right now he's been staying here... so we've been sleeping in the same bed. I sleep so much better when I have someone to cuddle with... I toss and turn constantly and sleep horribly when I'm in bed by myself. So that's gonna suck, but at the same time, I don't wanna screw anything up by moving in together so soon... but at the same time I don't want him to leave LOL Uhg... but hopefully this lasts for awhile. I do long term relationships, I put forth a lot to keep them lasting and I don't just give up after one stupid fight. Hopefully he has the patience too LOL I mean, I've already been on his "shit list" about 20 times since we've started dating... LOL j/p Oh, and the whip cream fight was interesting too ;) But we'll let y'all use your imagination for that one ;) GRRRRRRRRRRRRAWL!!!
Oh, and I had a job interview today in Canton for MiniMerchant Autodealer. I'll be working front desk, doing data entry, customer service type stuff. Pay sucks at first... only $7.49 per hour, but after 60 days I get commission, so I'll move up to 8-10 per hour, depending on how well my sales/upselling is ;) Which I know I'm good at sales and upselling, so the job may not be great money at first, but after 60 days... WOOHOO :) Oh, and medical, dental, vision insurance in 90 days... and they said it's some of the BEST insurance out there... and I get 401K after a year and 2 weeks paid vacation after a year... OH! Get this... I'd get my Bday off (PAID) after 90 days... and my Bday is after 90 days... SO I'D GET MY BDAY OFF AT THIS PLACE! TALK ABOUT SWEET :) And paid holidays INCLUDING Christmas EVE and New Years EVE LOL But this would be great office experience for me, even though I already have some from working at Incept... but this would give me even more experience... get me the hell out of *gag* DAMON'S! The hours are kinda... I dunno... normal... I like them, but still... M-Wed from 9am-5... Thursday from 11 or noon to about 7 or 8 and then Friday from about 11 or noon to about 7 or 8... Saturdays and Sundays off... that means I'll have to go to bed early, get up early... but that's kinda what I want... I need to catch up on bills, pay off debt... and save up to go back to school. Clubbing is fun, but its time to grow up and work on bettering my future... I don't wanna be working at Damon's the rest of my life... making shit for money and driving to Akron every night to dance LOL Its fun for now... but I'm 23... I need to go back to college... or else I won't get my degree until I'm, like... 30... DEAR GOD! LOL And I REFUSE to be some tired, lame bar fag when I'm 35 sitting around the bar, drinking beer and hitting on the new 18 year olds that wander in for their first time. *GAG* Talk about sad... watch me end up that way though LMAO *sigh* OK, I'm done LOL Bye! :)