Jun 17, 2006 15:50
Can anyone stand the sounds of your parents argueing. I hate it. In fact I just let my house and came directly to the library, for lack of a better place to go. Maybe I'll go shopping, that seems to make everyone else feel better, maybe it will work for me. I dont really have anyone to call, everyones got a job or has some big issue that there dealing with right now. GEEZ, hopefully Wed. will be fun because Im meeting up with Chris. He says he has something important to tell me that he didnt say at school. If it has anything to do with being in love with me I think I am going to die. I hate when guys tell you they love you. We dont know what love is. People are to obsessed with this commercial way of thinking: Love is nothing more than hormones gone aray.
I dont believe I could save anyone or that I am really that complicated. Why do guys always bring this up with me whenever the word "love" comes up. You cant love a person for those things alone. If anyone would like to debate me on the topic just write because I am open to ideas, suggestions or comments.
Oh and btw, Happy Early B-Day Susie Q! I hope everything with that guy is ok before than. I Love you.
P.S. I only say I love you to people that I truely and honeslty care about whether it be family or friends. But never boyfriends at least not until Im more mature to know the meanings of these words. Im not a hypocrite! Dont judge to easily.